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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sun 13 Sep 2015, 7:36 pm

I have now restarted my efforts with Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (LYR) wagons and here is my first revised effort for 9 ft wheelbase wagons:-
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa10
I have been steadily producing standard parts that can be used throughout my interpretation of the LYR wagon fleet, which is another way of describing my compromise based approach. I will be generating a series of Common Loads that are specific to these wagons in order to take account of variation in width and length compared to the excellent Common Loads produced by Ian.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  35005CP Sun 13 Sep 2015, 10:35 pm

Looking good Alec! OK

Amazing how when you create something you can copy it into another model! Except with TSM you have to already have a model in place before you can paste a part into the model.....Then you have to open and close it... Just wish TSM was a bit more user friendly! Twisted Evil



Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  dee4141 Mon 14 Sep 2015, 12:48 pm

Very nice work,Alec - a super model!

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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Mon 14 Sep 2015, 1:05 pm

Thank you for your kind comments and always appreciated.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Mon 14 Sep 2015, 8:10 pm

. . . . and for the next LYR wagon out of the workshop, we have a Diagram 4 Coal or Loco Coal Wagon. To make me feel at home I have run it behind an LYR Class 27 on a test outing through Rochdale!
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa11
Mind you I have done my best to mess it up by missing several parts but not all at the same time - I've exported it three times!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Wed 16 Sep 2015, 7:31 pm

. . and another one rolls off the production line, namely a Diagram 5 Loco Coal Wagon.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa12

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Thu 17 Sep 2015, 6:52 pm

These days I always miss something, and in this case it's the tie bars between the bogies on the Diagram 005. I've now added them but no upload picture available. I have now started on a Diagram 006 - it was this that triggered the above error alert! Hopefully will finish that this evening.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sun 20 Sep 2015, 10:27 am

Well got there eventually, and so here's diagram 6
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa13

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Tue 22 Sep 2015, 7:50 pm

Here's LYR Diagram 3 Covered Goods Wagon:-
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa14
I still have to run it through Polymaster, add "L" and "Y" to the body texture, adjust the roof cover width and check/amend bounding box values!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Wed 23 Sep 2015, 7:56 pm

. . . and so it goes on with the next one as follows:-
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa15

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Wed 23 Sep 2015, 9:03 pm

Here's a copy of my spread sheet that I use to progress this project:-
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_ts10

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Thu 24 Sep 2015, 9:03 am

Here's the next one.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa16

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sun 27 Sep 2015, 10:17 am

. . . and still they come! This time it's the Diagram 16 Half Box in 3, 4 and 5 plank versions.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa17

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sun 27 Sep 2015, 7:49 pm

Currently working on the Diagram 17 Cattle Wagon, and is taking a little longer as I need to develop more parts including one which requires an alpha channel. Here's a screenshot of the framing:-
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa18
The end requires solid planking. The top third of the sides is open. The middle third is solid planking. The lower third has a series of vertical struts with gaps to allow any deleterious material to drain out! The central area comprises a pair of doors that open outwards with a bottom section that folds down to form the ramp. Again some degree of compromise will be adopted but the end result should be representative of the wagon!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Tue 29 Sep 2015, 8:23 am

Here's the Diagram 17 Cattle Wagon - not quite complete as it needs some tidying up.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa19

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Tue 29 Sep 2015, 8:38 pm

I've tidied up the Diagram 17 Cattle Wagon, added a two plank variant of the Diagram 16 Half Box Wagon and just completed a two plank unfitted Diagram 13 Fish Wagon - see below:-
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa20

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Wed 30 Sep 2015, 6:49 pm

Here's an unusual wagon:-
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa21

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Thu 01 Oct 2015, 7:51 pm

. . . . and still they keep coming!
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa23

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Thu 01 Oct 2015, 10:53 pm

I've already moved onto the next 9ft wheelbase wagon, which is a tank wagon for Gas Reservoirs for use with Fleetwood buoys. Below is my latest effort for the tank itself. Needs some lifting hooks on the top and some guestimated valves, etc. - no details available for this particular wagon (only 3 produced).
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa24

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Fri 02 Oct 2015, 6:37 pm

Here's my best "guess" for the LYR Diagram 30!
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa26

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sat 03 Oct 2015, 11:55 am

Yes it's me again with another LYR 9 ft wheelbase wagon!
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa27

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  35005CP Sat 03 Oct 2015, 4:04 pm

Great looking models Alec! Especially like the Meat Van! Great job! OK

Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sat 03 Oct 2015, 7:11 pm

Thank you for the positive comment. I have another 11 LYR wagons with a 9 ft wheelbase to do! I have two on the stocks at the moment, but that's the last bit of work for tonight as I'll be watching the England-Australia rugby union match in a short while. Here's hoping that they can do the business!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Mon 05 Oct 2015, 11:09 am

I guess the less said about the rugby match last Saturday the better! Embarassed Crying or Very sad Embarassed Crying or Very sad Embarassed Crying or Very sad

Anyway I've pushed on with the wagons and have now produced models of the Diagram 52 Half Box and the Diagram 53 Ballast. I shall be moving onto the Diagram 60 Gunpowder Van, which was essentially a GWR "Iron Mink" on an LYR chassis! After that there will be seven LYR Diagrams on a 9 foot wheel base, of which four have vacuum brakes and one is the Diagram 20 Brake Van. At that time there be 31 different wagon models available for download - almost certainly in the new TSSH upload area?

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Tue 06 Oct 2015, 6:59 pm

This next wagon caused the occasional explosion of "strong language", but hopefully it's now something like!
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa28

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Wed 07 Oct 2015, 12:00 pm

Started on Diagram 66 Covered Goods. which was an attempt to adapt the standard Diagram 3 with the use of outside framing - Covered Goods was the description used by the Lancashire and Yorkshire for Vans.

I've also started creating a presentation using LibreOffice's Impress Presentation showing the wagons currently being created, and I might take the wife's ex-laptop once it's being revived to show at the LYR AGM in several weeks time? Obviously I'll need to convince myself that my efforts won't be unacceptable to those in the know? The idea being to show people that it isn't always necessary to use the traditional model railway approach to keep the LYR alive, and that train simulation is an acceptable approach - even it meant using the other sim! I suppose the same idea could be adopted for the LNWR coaches? Mind you I'll need to get a better grip on the use of the this software!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  dforrest Wed 07 Oct 2015, 1:32 pm

Alec, are we going to be able to run some of them soon and offer our comments?


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Wed 07 Oct 2015, 2:12 pm

When I've finished the current batch of 9 ft wheelbase wagons, and created common loads where necessary I will be looking to do a single upload - possibly via the TSSH area. There are seven left to do. Then I'll either go back to LNWR coaches or move onto 10 ft wheelbase LYR wagons?

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sat 10 Oct 2015, 12:24 pm

Here's a few notes on this area of the workshop.
1. The latest wagon (Diagram 66) has proved a little more difficult - perhaps that should read I made it a little more difficult - than I thought, but I seem to have sorted it out now. I've just finished the door fittings; i.e. hinges, etc., and now need to address the other fittings to the sides and ends.
2. I've also started to look at the 4 plank Fish Wagon which had vacuum braking, and I've put together some sketches with dimensions to be be able to create a reasonable representation of the brakes, although any one looking for a finely detailed model will be disappointed!
3. With respect to the presentation for the LYR wagons, the LibreOffice's "Impress" is more than OK, and I am able to use what little skills I developed with MS Office to good use.
4. I shall use the LYR AGM to sort out some details for a typical LYR Container for use with the Diagram 14 wagon, and to confirm LYR's method of transporting fish in open wagons. This would then allow me to develop more of my own Common Loads for use with the LYR wagons; necessary as the typical ones don't quite fit mine. I'll need to investigate the range of merchandise carried, although coal was probably the most important. Mind you this was mainly carried in PO wagons, and hence I may need to develop some from the "Ince Wagon" book by Watts.

It's worth noting that the aim is to create as many of the LYR wagons as illustrated in the the two volumes of Noel Coates' "Lancashire & Yorkshire Wagons". If I can continue to build up suitable references I would also like to create a range of LYR carriages, but that is not proving particularly easy. Apparently a book is in preparation by the LYR Society but it is not clear where this is currently at - another question for the AGM!

When you take into account the LNWR carriage area of the workshop as well as the SR (Bulleid) and GWR (Hawksworth) carriage area I don't see how I'll ever be without some item of stock to model. Of course I also want to do some LNWR engines, and I also have references for the Highland Railway and Southern Railway as well as Midland Railway wagons and coaches . . . . . admittedly the latter are already well covered but they still present me with opportunities!

Finally we must never forget SWMBO's list!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  ianmacmillan Sat 10 Oct 2015, 5:40 pm

rufuskins wrote:I will be looking to do a single upload - possibly via the TSSH area.

Seems a lot of wagons for a single upload.
Might put off an activity writer wanting to include an L&Y wagon or two in an activity for a non L&Y route.

Can I suggest you package them by type?

L&Y_Specialised_Van (Fruit, Meat, Banana etc)
L&Y_Specialised_Open (Container, Fish, Bogie etc)

This would Let you release the wagons as you complete each type rather than keep us waiting.


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  StephenRWells Sat 10 Oct 2015, 5:56 pm

Hi Alec,

I agree with Ian as it makes checking the source of each stock item used so much easier. When creating activities it often takes me ages to check where each item came from, particularly when one download places wagons and/or coaches in different folders.



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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sat 10 Oct 2015, 6:47 pm

I note your comments and will take them into consideration if and when I'm ready to make them available. I decided to develop the wagons by wheel base rather than wagon type hence these first ones all have a 9 ft wheel base. Admittedly this means the wagon types vary, and this is as much for my sake in order to give some variety whilst creating them. I had considered uploading the 9 ft wheel base versions as one upload, which would comprise about 30 wagons. This would then give a reasonable spread of wagon types. To date I have effectively created 23, I'm working on 1 and that leaves another 6! The other wheel bases and bogie types then comprise another 83. Anyway we'll see how things go over the next week or two.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sun 11 Oct 2015, 7:00 am

Diagram 66 is now just about complete.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa29

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  dforrest Sun 11 Oct 2015, 1:07 pm

Looking very good Alec.


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Tue 13 Oct 2015, 1:25 pm

First attempt at a fitted wagon, which is the 4 plank Fish Wagon (Diagram 13). Not perfect but a not unreasonable representation.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa30
Just need to finalise the WAG file for the vacuum braking - see query in General Discussion area.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Thu 15 Oct 2015, 10:20 am

Finalised the WAG files for the above using 13% of mass as MaxBrakeForce! Shown below is another fitted wagon - although I see that the end door hinges are too low!
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa31

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Thu 15 Oct 2015, 7:09 pm

Door hinges re-located, and WAG files amended. I think I'll move onto the Diagram 21 Brake Van!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  slipperman12 Thu 15 Oct 2015, 8:01 pm

Hi Alec,
You're like a Carriage & Wagon Works!!

Did Horwich used to build wagons?

Well done, mate Smile



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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  ShortNorth Fri 16 Oct 2015, 1:36 am

slipperman12 wrote:Hi Alec,
You're like a Carriage & Wagon Works!!

Did Horwich used to build wagons?

Well done, mate Smile


I'll go along with that ! Here's a good name for you "Milnrow Carriage and Wagon Works"

Once I got into the swing of making NSWGR stock years ago, I coined the name "Short North Carriage and Wagon Engineering Workshops" for my output, and this was before I started making locos.

The "Short North" is the railwayman's nickname for the Sydney to Newcastle main line.

Regards, Brian

"Any railway that paints their locomotives such a magnificent shade of red, must be the most superior in the land" (apologies to the late David Jenkinson).

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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Fri 16 Oct 2015, 7:53 am

One of my problems is that once I do get "hooked" on something I can become a bit obsessive as was indicated when I set out on the FG DMU repaint project. Admittedly my obsession doesn't require exact/precise representations.
When I decided to try my hand at virtual modeling I decided that I wanted to create items that weren't commonly available in MSTS, and it was at this time that I came across some publications for wagons on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. It of course operated services in the Milnrow and Rochdale areas and hence it was obvious where I should start. I'm more than happy to retain the current workshop title, besides which the shock to Rufus at his time of life . . . .
However I also wanted to build carriages, but here the information for LYR was relatively scarce. I therefore tried Southern coaches and then Hawksworth but finally decided on the LNWR where there was a plethora of books and references on their coaches. It also seemed relevant as the two companies merged in 1922 before the creation of the LMS, etc.
The LYR initially built their wagons and carriages at Miles Platting until 1873 when the works caught fire. As can be imagined it caused chaos and outside contractors were used until the new works was constructed at Newton Heath. This continued to be used until 1930 when the last new wagon was built, and it was finally closed in 1932. Apparently some chap named H. N. Gresley worked there as Assistant Carriage and Wagon Superintendent between 1904 and 1905 before moving onto the Great Northern Railway, and the rest as they say is history.

As an aside I've tried to use my first attempt at making the Diagram 21 Brake van but found there were several dimensional errors and therefore I'm going to rebuild the main body from scratch.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sat 17 Oct 2015, 7:41 pm

Here's the current version of the Diagram 21 Brake Van, which requires some changes comprising end handrail adjustment, L and Y on side panels and adjust the window to the internal partition.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa32
Also need to amend the textures to the Running Boards.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sun 18 Oct 2015, 8:05 pm

The Diagram 21 has been amended and the next wagon completed - namely a Diagram 32A single bolster.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa33

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  Markh5682 Sun 18 Oct 2015, 8:31 pm

They are looking good Alec. OK

We are going to be spoiled for choice when these are done Very Happy


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Sun 18 Oct 2015, 8:53 pm

Thanks for the kind words. I now have three more wagons to do in the 9 ft wheelbase set, although it has been suggested that I upload them in a different format. However before I get to that stage I need to prepare a series of common loads to fit these particular wagon sizes, using a Common.Loads_LYR folder. I'll be attending the LYR Society AGM in Ramsbottom next Saturday, when I hope to get clarification on some of the loads and loading methods.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Tue 20 Oct 2015, 11:10 pm

After a pleasant day out visiting Knott End and Fleetwood, I returned to my latest LYR wagon. I am currently finalising a Diagram 39 Refrigerator Van - just need to add the door fittings. That will leave me just the Diagram 64 Butter Van in the 9 foot wheelbase wagons, I could include the Diagram 41 which was used for the carriage of boilers and comprised 3 pairs of single bolsters close coupled together, but on reflection I might move this into the miscellaneous section? In addition they were only used in this manner between 1901 and 1909 before reverting back to single bolsters.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Wed 21 Oct 2015, 11:11 am

. . . . and here's my best effort for the Diagram 39 Refrigerated Van.

Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa34

Looking at it, the body colour perhaps needs to be a bit more "whiter"!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  rufuskins Fri 23 Oct 2015, 11:04 am

Here's the last of the 9 ft wheel base wagons, namely the Diagram 64 Butter Van.
Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Lyr_wa35
It may need the odd tweak here and there but that now means there is a total of 33 wagons in this particular folder, No decision yet on the method of upload until I have completed the LYR Common Load folder, other than they will be put in the TSSH upload area!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  dforrest Fri 23 Oct 2015, 11:48 am

Alec, I am really looking forward to seeing these.


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  RIGFindlay Fri 23 Oct 2015, 11:55 am

What a splendid set of wagons. These are most interesting and very nicely done. Roderic


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Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons Empty Re: Rufuskins' Workshop LYR Wagons

Post  ianmacmillan Fri 23 Oct 2015, 5:26 pm

I challenge you to do the boiler wagon loaded.

I have failed to figure out how to build a set of three single bolsters coupled together with a load spread over all three wagons.

I think it's impossible.
(I say that in the hope I'll be proved wrong.)


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