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Modern England

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Modern England Empty Modern England

Post  rufuskins Mon 19 Aug 2013, 3:39 pm

Route Name = Modern England

Modern England Modern10

Route Author = James Hunt

Route Location = Fictional between Manchester, Oxford, and London

Route Mileage = 174 miles

Route Era =  Modern

Route Source = from UKTS downloading at UKTrainSim.

Additional files required to be installed = none

Route Description =
An MSTS fictional route available to download as noted above.

“This route is an imaginary route designed to simulate a more modern UK style and connects 3 major cities, Manchester, Oxford, and London, and is used to haul both goods and passengers between these cities”

Activities are available to download from here, and relevant stock can be found on UKTS.

Last edited by rufuskins on Tue 10 Sep 2013, 7:50 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Actual mileage supplied by glasgowworks (Alastair Cowell))

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 76
Location : Milnrow, Lancashire

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