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North West England. v2.2 & V3.0

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North West England. v2.2 & V3.0 Empty North West England. v2.2 & V3.0

Post  rufuskins Fri 08 Mar 2013, 7:50 pm

Route Name = North West England. v2.2

North West England. v2.2 & V3.0 Nwe2210

Route Author = Terry Cunliffe

Route Location = North West England

Route Mileage = 950 miles

Route Era =  1990 onward

Route Source = from UKTS CD ordering (current cost is £4.80 which includes one month’s premium UKTS membership)
(  )
Earlier versions can be downloaded from UKTS (,cls=1070 )

Additional files required to be installed (Downlad version Only) =
X-tracks ( )
Magnetic platform kit IV (Asphalt Platforms) by Graham Pitt. (File ID 1211) go to,cls=240

Route Description =
An MSTS route supplied as a UKTS CD coming complete with a number of activities and relevant stock for those activities plus all the required files needed to run the route..

“This route utilises the WCML from Acton Grange (South of Warrington) to Lancaster as a 'spinal' section. From this, track is laid to Liverpool, Manchester, Bolton, Blackpool, Chorley and Southport with some 100 stations.”

Version 3 is now available - See below........


Route Name = NWE_v3.0

North West England. v2.2 & V3.0 NWE_v3_zpszhbgw1us

Details = As above but greatly extended and improved.

Available from = UKTS downloads -,cls=1070 (14 downloads) plus 1 patch file

Additional files required to be installed = None, everything is included in the downloads, including the stock and acts.

Route Description =

This is a big improvement on v2.2 with lots more mileage and improvements made, it is now possible to drive the entire WCML via the Thames Merey, NWE_3 and Glasgow to Carlisle routes.

Extract from Terry's readme..........

Terry Cunliffe wrote:This utilises the WCML to  as a 'spinal' section from Crewe to Carlisle. From this, track is laid to Liverpool, Manchester, Bolton, Blackpool, Chorley, Southport, Barrow, Buxton, Blackburn, Clitheroe, Hellifield, Todmorden, Workington, Marsden, Chester and more... over 2200 track miles!
There are numerous yards, docks, power stations and collieries included which either did and / or do still exist.

All stock and activities are included within the download files.

Last edited by Markh5682 on Thu 25 Jun 2015, 8:42 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated to include V3)

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


Posts : 3732
Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 76
Location : Milnrow, Lancashire

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