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Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content

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Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content Empty Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content

Post  rufuskins Thu 24 Jan 2013, 11:08 am

Those of you who had the stamina to read my FG DMU posts on UKTS will have noted my reference to VBA routines for reading MSTS file contents and trying to intitiate changes in the same. This was intended to supplement the editing capability within Mike Simpson's excellent Route Riter (RR). In addition it meant that I could edit files outside of the Train Simulator folder, although I understand that RR can be used this way now.

I wanted to be able to read ENG and WAG files in order to list the various SMS, CVF lines, etc. I was also trying to see how one could list and/or change friction lines, as this wasn't included in RR. When compiling my original trainset back in my earliest MSTS days, I was always taken aback at the variations in the above lines, and it was this that started that particular obsession.

I was wondering whether anyone else was doing anything similar, or whether there was any interest in this area out there. I believe that many users amend the ENG and WAG files immediately they put them in their own trainset.

To be honest I required a lot of help from a work colleague, as the VB routine based on MS Excel needed to read a text file.

I have passed a copy of one routine to a member, and I hope that it has proved of some limited use. They proved of great value to me when I changed my FG DMU sets from automatic to manaul gear operation.


ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content Empty editing eng and wag files

Post  mikehendle Thu 24 Jan 2013, 2:01 pm

Hi Alec,
I must admit I usualy change the eng and wag files,usualy the cabview if the loco comes with the default Scotsman cabview,there is usualy some thing better to down load in the UKTS libary,the other lines I change are if the loco or wagon/coach is pre 1970, I change the coupling from automatic to chain,and the brake line from air to vacumm.

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Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content Empty Re: Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content

Post  dforrest Thu 24 Jan 2013, 3:13 pm

Mike, I do most of these manually as they are usually only made one.

I have often thought that it would be good to be able to change things such as headcodes (usually freight animation entries) on the fly when an activity starts. Perhaps this is something to discuss with the OR team.


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Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content Empty Re: Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content

Post  mendes Thu 24 Jan 2013, 7:32 pm

rufuskins wrote:Those of you who had the stamina to read my FG DMU posts on UKTS will have noted my reference to VBA routines for reading MSTS file contents and trying to intitiate changes in the same. This was intended to supplement the editing capability within Mike Simpson's excellent Route Riter (RR). In addition it meant that I could edit files outside of the Train Simulator folder, although I understand that RR can be used this way now.

I wanted to be able to read ENG and WAG files in order to list the various SMS, CVF lines, etc. I was also trying to see how one could list and/or change friction lines, as this wasn't included in RR. When compiling my original trainset back in my earliest MSTS days, I was always taken aback at the variations in the above lines, and it was this that started that particular obsession.

I was wondering whether anyone else was doing anything similar, or whether there was any interest in this area out there. I believe that many users amend the ENG and WAG files immediately they put them in their own trainset.

To be honest I required a lot of help from a work colleague, as the VB routine based on MS Excel needed to read a text file.

I have passed a copy of one routine to a member, and I hope that it has proved of some limited use. They proved of great value to me when I changed my FG DMU sets from automatic to manaul gear operation.


Hi Alec,

I haven't had a chance to look at this yet as I've currently got my teeth into a new loco and want to keep at it until I get to the boring bits (handrails, steps etc).

There's a new pack of locos for the TT route in the offing and I will test it on that.


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Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content Empty Re: Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content

Post  Bob Latimer Mon 28 Jan 2013, 4:07 am


Have you ever had a look at EngMod by Derek Morton?

It allows you to change many of the internal parameters in .eng and .wag files (including the cabview aliasing but not sounds) and even to make the changes to more than one unit at a time.


Bob Latimer

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Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content Empty Re: Visual Basic Routines for reading/changing MSTS file content

Post  rufuskins Mon 28 Jan 2013, 6:53 am


It's good to hear from you here on TS Forums. The reference you give rings the proverbial bell, but I will need to check at home whetherI've got it?


ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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