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Open Rails 1.5

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Open Rails 1.5 Empty Open Rails 1.5

Post  neanderthal Mon 14 Nov 2022, 8:01 pm

Ok, so as usual I'm not sure what to do! I notice that O.R. is asking me to upgrade to version 1.5, so my question is, If I click on the upgrade now does it d/l to 1.5 or does it tell me what's included in the upgrade? or just D/L it ?. And of course, is it stable. TIA for any help, Neanderthal


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Open Rails 1.5 Empty Re: Open Rails 1.5

Post  darwins Tue 15 Nov 2022, 9:15 am

If you click the button it should automatically update to version 1.5

If you want to see what is new then look at


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Open Rails 1.5 Empty 1.5

Post  neanderthal Tue 15 Nov 2022, 11:20 am

Thanks for that !, It always worries me !


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Open Rails 1.5 Empty Re: Open Rails 1.5

Post  neanderthal Mon 23 Jan 2023, 2:38 pm

Hello all ,
So in lay mans terms,I'd like to upgrade to OR 1.5.1, without getting rid of 1.4 which works well. How therefore do I add 1.5.1 without losing the older version. Do I go into my C Drive and rename the older version? ,or copy the older version to somewhere else and then just press the upload button?, Hope that makes sense ? Roger. Embarassed Embarassed


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Open Rails 1.5 Empty Re: Open Rails 1.5

Post  darwins Mon 23 Jan 2023, 2:50 pm

Good question.

I just tried the version 1.5 auto installer and it found my previous stable version and installed into the same folder.
I would suggest that you make a copy of the folder with version 1.4 rather than just renaming it. Then the installer can overwrite one copy, but you still have another copy in another folder.


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Open Rails 1.5 Empty Re: Open Rails 1.5

Post  neanderthal Mon 23 Jan 2023, 3:07 pm

Thank you for that, I'll do it now ,,Roger,


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