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West Somerset Railway

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West Somerset Railway Empty West Somerset Railway

Post  rufuskins Sun 24 Mar 2013, 7:34 pm

Route Name = West Somerset Railway

West Somerset Railway Wsr110

Route Author =

Route Location = West Somerset, UK.

Route Mileage = 23 miles

Route Era = Modern Preserved

Route Source = This route can be downloaded from JustTrains.
It is also available to purchase as a CD from Amazon or Play.

Route Description =
An MSTS commercial route available to purchase as a download as noted above, and additional activities and relevant stock can be downloaded from UKTrainSim.

“The West Somerst Railway takes you from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead on the West Somerset Railway in the southwest of England. The line is single track with passing places at Crowcombe Heathfield, Williton and Blue Anchor.
The West Somerset Railway has a maximum operating speed of 25 mph, so the one hour journey will give you plenty of opportunity not only to control the loco, but also to view the Quantock Hills, the Bristol Channel, Dunster Castle and the miles of glorious Somerset countryside in between!
This pay-ware route comes complete with 20 activities and the rolling stock required for them covering both steam and diesel engines.

If you want further activities for this route they are available in the UKTS file library.”

(This post was put together by Justin with a small input from Alec.)

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 76
Location : Milnrow, Lancashire

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