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Snowdon Railway and ztracks

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Snowdon Railway and ztracks Empty Snowdon Railway and ztracks

Post  john13 Tue 19 Nov 2019, 7:02 pm

Hi folks,

After a long break, I'm trying to resume my attempts at modelling for MSTS/OR. Amongst a few almost finished efforts is a now rather elderly SMR diesel 'Ninian'. So I've been putting the Snowdon Mountain railway route ( and patch) together to help finish it off if I can.

The SMR download readme says I need 'ztracks', which I have downloaded and put into the Route folder. OR sees the route OK, but won't load as it says I probably don't have xtracks or ytracks. Do I need to arrange the contents of the ztracks folder in any particular way? I don't think I'd previously needed the different track shapes so I'm at the bottom of the learning curve for this!

Thanks in anticipation...



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Snowdon Railway and ztracks Empty Re: Snowdon Railway and ztracks

Post  dforrest Tue 19 Nov 2019, 7:53 pm

John, the ztracks files should be extracted to the GLOBAL/SHAPES folder of your installation.


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Snowdon Railway and ztracks Empty Re: Snowdon Railway and ztracks

Post  john13 Wed 20 Nov 2019, 9:24 am

Hi David,

Thanks for the prompt response. That takes me half a step forward in that the error message has now changed.
OR now says it has found a track shape not in the 'tsection' file and again asserts it may be that Xtracks or Ytracks might be missing.

The MSTS install appears to work OK - with the basic original routes. I haven't tried the SMR route on MSTS yet, but will do to see if that shows any differences. I suppose there'd be no harm in installing X+Ytracks

The OR log file shows that it replaced track section 360, but;
Warning: Skipped track section 32386 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 32383 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 32350 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 32453 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT

Warning: Skipped track section 32357 not in global or dynamic TSECTION.DAT



Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29834

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29834

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29834

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29834

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

Warning: Missing TrackShape in tsection.dat : 29835

The tsection.dat ( as installed by SMR as far as I see) is dated 8 May 2001 though there are two others in the OR directory.


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Age : 76
Location : Near Snorbens

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Snowdon Railway and ztracks Empty Re: Snowdon Railway and ztracks

Post  Markh5682 Wed 20 Nov 2019, 11:08 am

Hi John.

You need to install a later tsection.dat file. (build 42uk and up) (build 52)

Last edited by Markh5682 on Thu 21 Nov 2019, 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total


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Snowdon Railway and ztracks Empty Re: Snowdon Railway and ztracks

Post  john13 Wed 20 Nov 2019, 4:05 pm

Hi Mark,

Thanks - that fixed it. I recall from years ago that people had issues with tsection versions, but it never affected me with the few extra routes I picked up.
So, onwards and hopefully upwards!




Posts : 21
Join date : 2013-12-15
Age : 76
Location : Near Snorbens

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