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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7

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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7 Empty Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7

Post  1crick14a Tue 23 Sep 2014, 7:26 pm

Gents has anyone had a route crash on them in WIN7.
But will Run if sound files are deleted even though error missing messages show up.

Regards, Rick


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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7 Empty Re: Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7

Post  slipperman12 Tue 23 Sep 2014, 9:13 pm

Hi Rick,
Is this the freeware Pacific Surfliner route by Jeff Farquhar?

If so, I don't currently have it installed, but when I did, a year or so ago, had no problems with it.

As it works for you, after a fashion, when you remove the sound files, it points to a resources problem on your PC. Have you installed the Bin patch and the enhanced soundcfg.dat file from the Steam4Me site?



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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7 Empty Re: Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7

Post  rufuskins Tue 23 Sep 2014, 10:37 pm

It can also help to turn the sound sliders down in the options section.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7 Empty Route Sound

Post  1crick14a Wed 24 Sep 2014, 9:56 am


Thank you for help it has helped what you see in the link is my machine
My Simulators/Games it takes them on like a walk in the park
I would have thought it would walk through MSTS and it does except with Sound
The settings I am using now are as follows...............





Thanks and Regards Ged at least it runs.


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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7 Empty Re: Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7

Post  slipperman12 Wed 24 Sep 2014, 7:02 pm

Hi Rick,
That looks a great PC! I don't have any experience of the new generation of AMD processors so can't offer any first hand advice, but the FX6350 looks very capable.
You've certainly got your sounds turned down; to such an extent that you will be missing many of them, but it should help. Don't forget that MSTS is ancient software and can't use all the bells and whistles now available.
One item which may help is a separate sound card - one is not listed in the PC specifications, so I assume it has the on-board variety, although they are very capable these days. I've always used a separate one, so can't offer any advice - others may be able to help Smile



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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7 Empty Re: Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7

Post  1crick14a Thu 25 Sep 2014, 7:43 am

Cheers Ged your thoughts and advice appreciated.

Regards Rick


Posts : 8
Join date : 2013-01-31

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Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7 Empty Re: Pacific Route Crashing on WIN7

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