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TSM Query - Padlock symbol???

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TSM Query - Padlock symbol??? Empty TSM Query - Padlock symbol???

Post  rufuskins Thu 07 Aug 2014, 8:08 am

I am working on a carriage and duly saving the parts to a folder labelled [SR] located within "TS Modeler". However for some reason the parts are saving as a file with a padlock symbol, and whilst I can work on them; i.e. edit, save, etc. they do not show up when viewed in the folder outside of TSM. I have played about with permissions but this does not have any effect. Does anyone know why this happens and if so how do I alter whatever is causing this?
TSM Query - Padlock symbol??? Tsmpad10
Out of interest if I save the file from within TSM to a different folder then no padlock symbol appears, and I can then copy them back into the above folder! This is a long winded cure, but for my peace of mind can anyone help and/or advise. I haven’t had this problem within my LYR folder!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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TSM Query - Padlock symbol??? Empty Re: TSM Query - Padlock symbol???

Post  slipperman12 Thu 07 Aug 2014, 9:37 am

Hi Alec,
It's not something I've come across, but see if this helps :

I've also seen a suggestion that you might have BitLocker active for a particular folder.



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TSM Query - Padlock symbol??? Empty Re: TSM Query - Padlock symbol???

Post  rufuskins Thu 07 Aug 2014, 11:51 am

Thanks for the suggestions. I can't use the youtube method because the files with the padlock symbol don't show up using explorer! In TSM where they do show up I don't seem to be able to apply that method. As for Bitlocker I'm not at all sure how that works or how I amend it! It doesn't show up in the All Programs list but does show up using the search option. I've copied all the "padlocked" files to an alternative folder where the padlock symbol doesn't show(?), and then copied them back into the SR folder where they now show up without the padlock symbol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my aching head.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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TSM Query - Padlock symbol??? Empty Re: TSM Query - Padlock symbol???

Post  35005CP Thu 07 Aug 2014, 1:26 pm

Where about is you're SR folder located? Have you tried going into the Properies section of the SR folder and applying all Read/Write permissions?

Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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TSM Query - Padlock symbol??? Empty Re: TSM Query - Padlock symbol???

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