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Train Store help required please!!

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Train Store help required please!! Empty Train Store help required please!!

Post  rufuskins Thu 10 Oct 2013, 11:24 pm

Where to start . . . . .

I have always had Train Store located here C:\Program Files\J A Formoso\Train Store and it has always worked. However it did have the quirk of not always showing the latest named stock; i.e. one of my FGDMU engines was named "Class105_2car TrBRBf_M50808" and it showed up in Train Store as that. This should have read "Class105_2carTwBRBf_M50808" and this was duly corrected, however when I re-open Train Store the incorrect name showed but not the amended name! I had unstored Train Store prior to carrying out the correction. This has happended on odd occasions before, and I merely ignored it and eventually it would show things correctly!

This evening I thought that perhaps as Train Store was in programme files then this may be the problem. Therefore after ensuring that all was unstored I uninstalled Train Store from Train Store as required. I then deleted anything else that referred to Train Store and then reinstalled all three parts; i.e. main + 2 updates outside of Programme Files. However when I clicked on Train Store it showed the following

{no picture at the moment as servimg is unresponsive - the train store message say "rebuilding stock item cache please wait"}

However it never goes any further and File Manager says “Not Responding”, although in the process window the memory seems to increases albeit extremely slowly. I have checked permissions and they are all acceptable.

MSTS is installed as per Steam4me but is rather large, and my OS is W7 32bit.

Therefore do I have to wait for Train Store to rebuild the cache even though it may take a very long time, or have I really messed things up?

On the off chance that something went AWOL I tried a system restore to a point earlier this afternoon but before the above, and after I deleted the last Train Store install. Once restore was complete it duly showed Train Store in it’s original location BUT the above message re-appeared, etc.?

Any comments would be welcome

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Train Store help required please!! Empty Re: Train Store help required please!!

Post  slipperman12 Fri 11 Oct 2013, 9:57 am

Hi Alec,
Once restore was complete it duly showed Train Store in it’s original location BUT the above message re-appeared, etc.?
I think System Restore only restores executables and not data files.  Therefore, as you'd deleted the original cache file it would have to rebuild it.

"Not responding" doesn't necessarily mean that the program has stalled, just that Windows has got impatient!!  Give a more time, particularly if the hard drive activity indicator is still flashing irregularly.



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Train Store help required please!! Empty Re: Train Store help required please!!

Post  35005CP Fri 11 Oct 2013, 1:46 pm

I can confirm that rebuilding the Stock Cache does take some time. I've tried this many times before and I've been known to just leave it and takes the dog out for an hours walk!
System Restore will not restore anything to do with MSTS files, only the system file structure.
Also have you run the files through Route-Riter to check?

Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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Train Store help required please!! Empty Re: Train Store help required please!!

Post  rufuskins Fri 11 Oct 2013, 2:55 pm

Many thanks for the replies, and lying in bed did wonder whether patience was the name of the game! Shocked  Shocked  Shocked 

I did all the obvious things such as RR checks, and I did realise that System Restore was mainly concerned with executables, but the blurb says that all data files are left alone. The problem obviously was the deletion of all files/folders before the reinstall Embarassed  Embarassed  Embarassed 

I'll do the cache build up whilst watching England tonight!

Once again thanks.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Train Store help required please!! Empty Re: Train Store help required please!!

Post  rufuskins Fri 11 Oct 2013, 10:14 pm

For information I started TrainStore running just before England KO and by half time it had sorted itself out. Another lesson learned methinks!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Train Store help required please!! Empty Re: Train Store help required please!!

Post  slipperman12 Fri 11 Oct 2013, 10:34 pm

Hi Alec,
That's good news Smile  Panic over!!



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Train Store help required please!! Empty Re: Train Store help required please!!

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