MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 24 (MSTS Testing Procedures) by Ged (Slipperman12)
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MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 24 (MSTS Testing Procedures) by Ged (Slipperman12)
MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 24 (MSTS Testing Procedures) by Ged (Slipperman12)
This is another part in the series of posts that are intended to give a simple history of MSTS, point people to the various links considered vital to maximising the performance, and describe elements within the MSTS hierarchy as well as allowing an understanding of the various components that make up MSTS.
In this part Ged (Slipperman12) describes some simple and basic procedures that he uses for testing Activities and Stock for others, although it’s a good approach for checking one's own efforts. It may well be that others have similar testing procedures and we would welcome any suggestions, and these can be posted in the TSSH – Help Section and possibly added to this Part as an addendum..
1.0 Activity
1.1 Create a default MSTS setup and add the MS Update and MSTSbin.
1.2 Add the route for which the activity is designed.
1.2.1 Add any supplementary items like XTracks, NewRoads, etc., as specified by the route designer.
1.3 If the route includes its own rolling stock, install it.
1.4 Save the TRAINS folder.
1.5 Add the stock required for the activity, as specified by its author.
1.5.1 Check the instructions for all added stock and install any required CabView and Sounds – it should be noted that sometimes it may be necessary to install an extra item of rolling stock which is not included on the author's list, so that its CabView/Sounds can be used.
1.6 Install the activity.
1.7 RouteRiter can be used to check the activity.
1.7.1 Any missing stock should be reported as soon as possible to the activity author and testing suspended pending a solution being provided, except when the error comes under 1.7.2.
1.7.2 If the stock is reported as missing solely because the stock folder name doesn't match, the folder can be copied and given the name required by the activity. Testing can continue, but the author must be notified because it's not acceptable to modify the name of any downloaded or route stock folder. The specially created folder should be deleted on completion of the current test.
1.8 Saves are an important part of the testing procedure. However long an activity runs, regular saves should be taken and, although it may not be necessary to use them, they provide a useful safety net. Separate testing should be used to ensure that saves can be successfully restarted from and that subsequent saves after a restart can be made. Any errors, or problems, encountered during the test should be recorded and reported to the author on completion of the current test.
1.9 If further tests are required then the following needs to happen:-
1.9.1 Existing Consists, Paths, Services and Traffic files for the previous test must be deleted, or removed.
1.9.2 If any new stock is required, install it, in accordance with item 5.
1.9.3 If any stock has been deleted from the previous list, it should be removed from the TRAINSET folder.
1.9.4 Install the revised activity.
1.9.5 Repeat the procedure from 1.7
1.10 If it's only the instructions that require amendment, with no effect on the running of the activity, a careful visual check is sufficient.
2.0 Stock
2.1 Unless specified, stock is tested on a default MSTS setup; i.e. no additional Sounds and/or CabView.
2.2 Save the TRAINSET folder.
2.3 Install stock to be tested, following the author's instructions regarding Sounds, CabView and the use of the MSTSbin patch
2.4 If not supplied, create a simple consist using the supplied stock for testing only.
2.5 Ensure that everything operates and appears as it should, including passenger/internal views.
2.6 Based on the type of coupling for the stock – see ENGine file about 10 lines down – it is necessary to ensure the stock can couple and/or uncouple with default stock.
2.7 Report any problems, difficulties and/or queries to the author.
2.8 If the stock is to be corrected, await resubmission, then restore the TRAINSET folder, remove any created consists and return to 2.3.
2.9 If it's only the instructions which require amendment, with no effect on the running of the stock, a careful visual check is sufficient.
3.0 Routes
3.1 It's not easy to lay down specific procedures for testing new routes as it depends on their size and complexity.
3.2 The basic requirement is to start with a default MSTS setup, then add the route and extra files - XTracks, NewRoads, MSTSbin patch, etc. - that are specified by the author.
3.3 RouteRiter can be used to check it using the <Check Route> button as well as the Integrity Check (Ichk) through TSUtils.
3.4 All errors should be reported to the author and any further testing suspended until they are resolved.
When installing and/or amending all or any part of MSTS it is strongly recommended that you create a back-up copy, because even with the best will in the world mistakes can and will happen. There’s many a “simmer” who can testify to that.
This is another part in the series of posts that are intended to give a simple history of MSTS, point people to the various links considered vital to maximising the performance, and describe elements within the MSTS hierarchy as well as allowing an understanding of the various components that make up MSTS.
In this part Ged (Slipperman12) describes some simple and basic procedures that he uses for testing Activities and Stock for others, although it’s a good approach for checking one's own efforts. It may well be that others have similar testing procedures and we would welcome any suggestions, and these can be posted in the TSSH – Help Section and possibly added to this Part as an addendum..
1.0 Activity
1.1 Create a default MSTS setup and add the MS Update and MSTSbin.
1.2 Add the route for which the activity is designed.
1.2.1 Add any supplementary items like XTracks, NewRoads, etc., as specified by the route designer.
1.3 If the route includes its own rolling stock, install it.
1.4 Save the TRAINS folder.
1.5 Add the stock required for the activity, as specified by its author.
1.5.1 Check the instructions for all added stock and install any required CabView and Sounds – it should be noted that sometimes it may be necessary to install an extra item of rolling stock which is not included on the author's list, so that its CabView/Sounds can be used.
1.6 Install the activity.
1.7 RouteRiter can be used to check the activity.
1.7.1 Any missing stock should be reported as soon as possible to the activity author and testing suspended pending a solution being provided, except when the error comes under 1.7.2.
1.7.2 If the stock is reported as missing solely because the stock folder name doesn't match, the folder can be copied and given the name required by the activity. Testing can continue, but the author must be notified because it's not acceptable to modify the name of any downloaded or route stock folder. The specially created folder should be deleted on completion of the current test.
1.8 Saves are an important part of the testing procedure. However long an activity runs, regular saves should be taken and, although it may not be necessary to use them, they provide a useful safety net. Separate testing should be used to ensure that saves can be successfully restarted from and that subsequent saves after a restart can be made. Any errors, or problems, encountered during the test should be recorded and reported to the author on completion of the current test.
1.9 If further tests are required then the following needs to happen:-
1.9.1 Existing Consists, Paths, Services and Traffic files for the previous test must be deleted, or removed.
1.9.2 If any new stock is required, install it, in accordance with item 5.
1.9.3 If any stock has been deleted from the previous list, it should be removed from the TRAINSET folder.
1.9.4 Install the revised activity.
1.9.5 Repeat the procedure from 1.7
1.10 If it's only the instructions that require amendment, with no effect on the running of the activity, a careful visual check is sufficient.
2.0 Stock
2.1 Unless specified, stock is tested on a default MSTS setup; i.e. no additional Sounds and/or CabView.
2.2 Save the TRAINSET folder.
2.3 Install stock to be tested, following the author's instructions regarding Sounds, CabView and the use of the MSTSbin patch
2.4 If not supplied, create a simple consist using the supplied stock for testing only.
2.5 Ensure that everything operates and appears as it should, including passenger/internal views.
2.6 Based on the type of coupling for the stock – see ENGine file about 10 lines down – it is necessary to ensure the stock can couple and/or uncouple with default stock.
2.7 Report any problems, difficulties and/or queries to the author.
2.8 If the stock is to be corrected, await resubmission, then restore the TRAINSET folder, remove any created consists and return to 2.3.
2.9 If it's only the instructions which require amendment, with no effect on the running of the stock, a careful visual check is sufficient.
3.0 Routes
3.1 It's not easy to lay down specific procedures for testing new routes as it depends on their size and complexity.
3.2 The basic requirement is to start with a default MSTS setup, then add the route and extra files - XTracks, NewRoads, MSTSbin patch, etc. - that are specified by the author.
3.3 RouteRiter can be used to check it using the <Check Route> button as well as the Integrity Check (Ichk) through TSUtils.
3.4 All errors should be reported to the author and any further testing suspended until they are resolved.
When installing and/or amending all or any part of MSTS it is strongly recommended that you create a back-up copy, because even with the best will in the world mistakes can and will happen. There’s many a “simmer” who can testify to that.
ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!
rufuskins- Posts : 3732
Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 76
Location : Milnrow, Lancashire
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