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MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 35 (Unable to install some MSTS route CDs)

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MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 35 (Unable to install some MSTS route CDs) Empty MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 35 (Unable to install some MSTS route CDs)

Post  slipperman12 Sun 17 Apr 2016, 9:47 pm

In September 2015, Microsoft issued a Windows update which removed the ability to read CDs protected by the SecuRom/SafeDisc anti-piracy system from Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.  Windows 10 was also released without this facility.

Updated  Four MSTS add-ons have been found to be on CDs protected by the SecuRom/SafeDisc system - Severn Valley Railway, West Somerset Railway, TGV Pack and American Classics.   If others are discovered, this post will be updated accordingly.

May 2020 - The previously published Win 10 procedure has been deleted as, from Win 10 v1909, it's no longer viable.  A utility (Utility22), which enables the above-mentioned add-ons to be unpacked from their CD/s for addition into an MSTS installation, is available from this site's file library ( ) and from those at UKTS and  This utility may also be used to unpack the downloaded  SVR and WSR upgrades without the necessity of having the CD in the drive.  It may be used under Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.

Additionally, although not using the SecuRom/SafeDisc system, attempts to install the original Cambrian route (CD) from 3DTS (NOT Cambrian 2) may result in a "catastrophic failure" message, preventing installation.  Utility22 can be used to unpack the folders for adding to an MSTS installation.  This utility has also been found to be suitable for unpacking some flight sim CDs from Just Flight and there may well be other game/simulator CDs from the early 2000s which it's able to process.

1.  Utility22 does NOT install any add-on - no Registry entries are created and the user is responsible for copying the unpacked folders into their correct locations.
2.  Most of the above-mentioned add-ons are not suitable for Open Rails-only installations as they use some default MSTS files.
3.  The utility's installation folder contains batch files to be used to copy the required default MSTS files.

Ged Saunders (5 May 2020)


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