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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor

andrew moody
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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Mon 22 Jul 2013, 1:15 pm

Hi Everyone.
I am running some activities on Thames-Mersey which are over the 630V DC sections, As I am running the early Electric late steam period,
the refurbished class 508s do not seem appropriate!!!
Therefore I am running class 502 and 503 units instead, however these are showing in the activity editor as Unknown and I am also unable to run them in exolore mode.
Does anyone know what has to be done to rectify this problem?
Any help most greatfully appreciated (Windows XP Home)

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  slipperman12 Mon 22 Jul 2013, 3:02 pm

Hi Andrew,
"Unknown", in this context, usually means that there is a problem with the eng file, or the loco is not present in the TRAINSET folder.
If you can tell us which locos you're trying to use, maybe someone can help - I know you've said Class 502 & 503, but where are they from? File ID number or route name, please.
Using Route Riter to check the stock may throw up some errors, which could help!



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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Mon 22 Jul 2013, 4:09 pm

slipperman12 wrote:Hi Andrew,
"Unknown", in this context, usually means that there is a problem with the eng file, or the loco is not present in the TRAINSET folder.
If you can tell us which locos you're trying to use, maybe someone can help - I know you've said Class 502 & 503, but where are they from?  File ID number or route name, please.
Using Route Riter to check the stock may throw up some errors, which could help!

Hi Ged.
The file for the Green 502 is in the UKTS EMU file liberary ID 22754.
I have run the sets through route riter but with no sucsess. Below is the error message generated by ConBuilder

[NAME ERROR - Engine Name]
The engine file #502GR_FRONT.ENG in the folder
does not match with the name found on the line "Wagon".
Edit this file and make this line the same as its file name without the .eng extension.
A difference in capitalization or a wrong linefeed character can also generate this error.
The error was found on this line: Wagon ( #502Gr_FRONT
The engine file #502GR_FRONT.ENG in the folder
does not match with the name found on the line "Engine".Edit this file and make this line the same as its file name without the .eng extension.
A difference in capitalization or a wrong linefeed character can also generate this error.
The error was found on this line: Engine ( #502Gr_FRONT
[NAME ERROR - Engine Name]
The engine file #502GR_FRONT.ENG in the folder
does not match with the name found on the line "Wagon".
Edit this file and make this line the same as its file name without the .eng extension.
A difference in capitalization or a wrong linefeed character can also generate this error.
The error was found on this line: Wagon ( #502Gr_FRONT )


Wagon ( 502Gr_FRONT
Type ( Engine )
WagonShape ( front.s )
Size ( 2.8056m 3.8076m 19.824m )
CentreOfGravity ( 0m 2.2545m 0m )
Mass ( 50.0t )
WheelRadius ( 0.54108m )
InertiaTensor ( Box( 2.8056m 3.8076m 19.824m ) )

FreightAnim ( Vents_Shoes13.s 0.1 0.1 )

Engine (502Gr_FRONT
Wagon ( 502Gr_FRONT )
Type ( Electric )
MaxPower ( 500kW )
MaxForce ( 45kN#est )
MaxContinuousForce ( 40kN )
MaxVelocity ( 70mph )
MaxCurrent ( 700A )
WheelRadius ( 0.54108m )
Sanding ( 1e9mph )
NumWheels ( 1 )

CabView ( SPRAGM.cvf )

Sound ( "SPRAGMcab.sms" )
Name ( "Class 502 Motor Coach Green (FRONT)" )
Description (
" Green Wirral 3 car 630 Volts D.C. Electric unit \n\n"+
"Power source: 3rd rail from stationary electric generator\n\n"+
"Max. speed: 70 mph \n\n"
I have copied out the engine file but can not see anyting amiss have also re done the con file but it makes no difference.
Hope this helps.
Many thanks

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  Markh5682 Mon 22 Jul 2013, 4:57 pm

Hi Andy

The wagon line filename has to match Exactly the .eng filename.

It looks like it is the # version of the front eng that is causing the name error.

The only difference I can see is the "r" in the wagon filename is not capitalised, try changing it from  "Wagon ( #502Gr_FRONT" to "Wagon ( #502GR_FRONT" and see if that fixes it.

Check that the non # version is exactly the same as the filename too.

I had the same problem with one of my Blackpool trams, took me ages to figure out what the problem was.


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  slipperman12 Mon 22 Jul 2013, 6:15 pm

Hi Andrew,
The download you specified doesn't include any AI (prefixed #) stock!!

Have you created your own version?

Route-Riter will create one for you and include the correct name in the eng file.



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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Mon 22 Jul 2013, 8:36 pm

Markh5682 wrote:Hi Andy

The wagon line filename has to match Exactly the .eng filename.

It looks like it is the # version of the front eng that is causing the name error.

The only difference I can see is the "r" in the wagon filename is not capitalised, try changing it from "Wagon ( #502Gr_FRONT" to "Wagon ( #502GR_FRONT" and see if that fixes it.

Check that the non # version is exactly the same as the filename too.

I had the same problem with one of my Blackpool trams, took me ages to figure out what the problem was.

slipperman12 wrote:Hi Andrew,
The download you specified doesn't include any AI (prefixed #) stock!!

Have you created your own version?

Route-Riter will create one for you and include the correct name in the eng file.


Hi Mark and Ged.
Yes:oops:  It was a bit of both, I have now scrapped the 502 file in the trainset replacing it with a copy from my Thames Mersey back up trainset folder and yes I had obviously created # A1 files from Routeriter for the A1 traffic.
The engine file says GR all of the files inside say Gr or at least they did and guess what Very Happy It now works just fine!!!
Many thanks guys I would never have sussed that one for myself.
Incidently my Mersey 502s and 503s have been modified to have Sound and cab files from the Paris Metro They actually sont look too much out of place either.
(Now to modify all of the other units:roll: )

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  Markh5682 Mon 22 Jul 2013, 9:06 pm

Glad you managed to get it sorted OK 


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  rufuskins Tue 23 Jul 2013, 7:16 am

This is exactly what these forums are for. Now that you have learnt about these errors you will be in a position to help others. I have only been able to provide help by being helped myself - and I certainly needed help in my early days.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Sat 27 Jul 2013, 1:50 am

rufuskins wrote:Andy
Now that you have learnt about these errors you will be in a position to help others. I have only been able to provide help by being helped myself - and I certainly needed help in my early days.
Hi Alec.
I think in my case, That will be a very long time coming.Wink  But just to confirm that after a struggle and complete redownloads, I now have
all of my class 502 and 503's working properly albeit with a Paris Metro Cabview and Sounds, not quite right but very authentic.
Somehow refurbished Merseyrail 508's did not look quite right in a 1950s/60s setting, at least I will have some idea what to look for in the future.
I am currently excpeirencing some problems trying to change consists via ConBuilder, I get eror messages telling me that "this consist contains an Illegal character, use a unicode editor to repair it" Im afraid I am totally lost here, I have looked at the consists concerned and they look alright to me, The activities concerned are Eletric goods, Passing the torch and Vans Vans. by (I think) Richard Stevenson.
I am unclear what an Illegal Character is and have absolutly no idea where to find or how to use a unicode editor.
Again any help most greatfully appreciated.

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  j3801 Sat 27 Jul 2013, 2:24 am

Hi Andy,

Simple translation: Unicode text editor= Wordpad (it comes free with every version of MS Windows).
To change a file simply open it with Word pad and you will see that it is all in text form (actual words). As for an illegal character, I can only guess that it is one of those funny little use characters that the computer is capable of making. Simply going over the files and checking that there are no funny symbols present within the text (compare it to a known working example to make sure).


"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Sig10

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  35005CP Sat 27 Jul 2013, 8:58 am

Hi Andy and everyone,
Can I just add also that Context is a useful text editing tool and is available at


Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  Bob Latimer Sat 27 Jul 2013, 10:45 am

If you open Route_Riter and go to the Activities/Stock tab and then run [1], [2], [4], [5] and [6] (I always leave out [3]), it will sort out almost all of these types of problems.


Bob Latimer

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  Markh5682 Sat 27 Jul 2013, 12:50 pm

You can also get an MSTS specific highlighter for context, that will highlight problems with MSTS files, (See my useful links page for download links to both context and the highlighter.)


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Sun 28 Jul 2013, 1:53 pm

Hi Guys.
Thanks for the help and advice.
Have tried running this activity through Route riter, but the end result was nothing changed, the (so called) illegal carachters were obviously still present.
I have however had a bit of sucsess, I lifted the offending consists to desktop which of course made ConBuilder give me a list of missing consists.
Starting with the player consist, I painstakingly rebuilt the consist wagon by wagon and as a result it works but this consist and the
failed consist are identical, I can only assume that for some reason, my computer does not like this particular activity.
I know this is a rather long winded way of repairing the consists, but at least it works for me.
Many thanks again.

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  slipperman12 Sun 28 Jul 2013, 2:11 pm

Hi Andy,
this consist and the failed consist are identical
Sorry to be a little pedantic, but how do you know they are identical?  If you've just sight-checked them, there could be unprintable characters in the 'faulty' consist.  It may be that your original consist is not in Unicode format - how was it created?
There is a very good program called CompareIt! which I use regularly.  The program is Shareware and the full software can be evaluated for 30 days; I use it so often that I bought a copy!!
What you would do is compare your original consist with your re-created version and any differences are displayed within a full listing of each file.
By the way, this software can be used for any files, not just MSTS!  You can download it here :



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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Sun 28 Jul 2013, 6:31 pm

slipperman12 wrote:Hi Andy,
this consist and the failed consist are identical
Sorry to be a little pedantic, but how do you know they are identical?  If you've just sight-checked them, there could be unprintable characters in the 'faulty' consist.  It may be that your original consist is not in Unicode format - how was it created?

Hi Ged.
The honest answer is, I dont know but after rebuilding the consists in ConBuilder, everything looks just fine.
The original consists came with the activity.

This is the original Consist


Train (
TrainCfg ( rs_manc-euston_0940
Serial ( 2 )
MaxVelocity ( 51.40960 0.34918 )
NextWagonUID ( 13 )
Durability ( 1.00000 )
Engine (
UiD ( 0 )
EngineData ( #E3100 UK_Electric_BR_Class83_E3100 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1bskmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1BSKmaroon )
UiD ( 1 )
Flip ( )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 2 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 3 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 4 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 5 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1rmbmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1RMBmaroon )
UiD ( 6 )
Flip ( )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1rmbmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1RMBmaroon )
UiD ( 7 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1tsomaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1TSOmaroon )
UiD ( 8 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1tsomaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1TSOmaroon )
UiD ( 9 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1skmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1SKmaroon )
UiD ( 10 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1skmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1SKmaroon )
UiD ( 11 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1bskmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1BSKmaroon )
UiD ( 12 )

This is the consist that I rebuilt in ConBuilder

Train (
TrainCfg ( rs_manc-euston_0940
Serial ( 1 )
MaxVelocity ( 40.00000 1.00000 )
NextWagonUID ( 13 )
Durability ( 1.00000 )
Engine (
UiD ( 0 )
EngineData ( #Class82_E3046 UK_Electric_BR_Class82_E3046 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1bskmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1BSKmaroon )
UiD ( 1 )
Flip ( )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 2 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 3 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 4 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1fkmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1FKmaroon )
UiD ( 5 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1rmbmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1RMBmaroon )
UiD ( 6 )
Flip ( )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1rmbmaroon_stripe UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1RMBmaroon )
UiD ( 7 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1tsomaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1TSOmaroon )
UiD ( 8 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1tsomaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1TSOmaroon )
UiD ( 9 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1skmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1SKmaroon )
UiD ( 10 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1skmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1SKmaroon )
UiD ( 11 )
Wagon (
WagonData ( mk1bskmaroon UK_Carriage_BR_Mk1BSKmaroon )
UiD ( 12 )

As you can see other than changing the Locomotive, the rest of the consists are identical, or at least they appear to be to my untrained eye.
I so far have not run this particular activity which is 1960s electric goods, which had eleven affected consists.

The other activity that only had one affected consist was passing the torch, A class 83 takes over the Pines Express from steam, I experienced a "Crash" at Wilmslow. so it may have been that I met the offending consist there or perhaps I was running too early and landed on a over populated tile?
Strangely enough I was just about to empty the recycle bin when I read your post.
I will be interested to see what the outcome is though.

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  neanderthal Sun 28 Jul 2013, 7:02 pm

And now I can see why my downloads never work.BrickWall It must be easier to get a Rocket to the Moon.


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  slipperman12 Sun 28 Jul 2013, 7:19 pm

Hi Andy,
Can you please tell me the name of the activity and either what route it came with, or its UKTS file ID number!

I'll then have a look at it!

Roger : It may seem complicated, but usually problems with MSTS have a relatively simple cause Smile 


EDIT : Other than using a different loco and a change to the MaxVelocity, as you'd pointed out, the files are the same.  By checking the consist from the activity with the original one you've posted above, using CompareIt! I hope to identify the problem.   I've let myself in for it now, haven't I ? Shocked

EDIT 2 : Forget the first question!!  I looked back at a previous post and have found Electric Goods, Vans! Vans! and Passing the Torch.


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  Bob Latimer Sun 28 Jul 2013, 8:41 pm

If you look at the fifth line in the original consist, it's Serial ( 2 ), whereas in the rebuilt consist it's Serial ( 1 ).

I checked a few other consists in my installation at random and they're all Serial ( 1 ).


Bob Latimer

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Sun 28 Jul 2013, 9:15 pm

Bob Latimer wrote:If you look at the fifth line in the original consist, it's Serial ( 2 ), whereas in the rebuilt consist it's Serial ( 1 ).

I checked a few other consists in my installation at random and they're all Serial ( 1 ).


Hi Bob.
I have also looked through several of the Thames Trent consists and the serial numbers vary, the highest I found was 8.

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  slipperman12 Sun 28 Jul 2013, 9:18 pm

Hi Andy,
Thought I'd better start another post!

I'm using Route Riter 7.6.26 and ConBuilder 2.3.22 (freeware version!) and neither have thrown up any errors with the rs_manc_euston_0940 consist. AE also liked it!

I converted the first consist you listed into Unicode format and, although there are several differences between it and the genuine consist, I can't say that's the problem because I think it'll be the way NotePad did the conversion.

As an experiment, I converted the genuine consist file to ANSI format (ie not Unicode); neither Route Riter nor AE complained, but ConBuilder reported that the file wasn't Unicode format.

So, as far as I could see, there was no problem with the consist you listed!   That got me looking elsewhere.   I tried to run the activity in the Sim, and would you believe it Shocked   I got the loco as "Unknown", which was your original query!   To cut a long story short, I found that, in the Player consist, the loco file and its folder were all in capitals; changing them to the case of the actual names, as follows -
EngineData ( Class86_0 UK_Electric_BR_Class86_E3101 ) -  resulted in the loco being shown correctly.

I haven't checked, but have every confidence that the other activities have the same problem.  In this activity, it was only the Player consist, so may be the same in the others.


EDIT : Thanks Bob, but I think that's a red herring Very Happy 


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  Bob Latimer Sun 28 Jul 2013, 9:37 pm

So much for my Serial theory. Sad 

My experience with "UNKNOWN" has been that it is invariably caused by a difference in capitalization between the file name and the internal Wagon and Engine lines. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the easiest way to fix these is to run Route_Riter's six step process, leaving out step 3.


Bob Latimer

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  slipperman12 Sun 28 Jul 2013, 9:47 pm

Hi Bob,
Thanks, but in this case it's not capitalisation within the stock folder, but the use of all capitals for the stock file and folder names in the consist which was at variance with that in the actual stock folder and vehicle names.
I'd not come across this problem before, so as an additional experiment, I changed the names, for that item of stock, in the consist to all lower case, with the same "Unknown" result.

I haven't checked what Route Riter does, but I don't think it would help in Andy's case Smile 



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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  Bob Latimer Sun 28 Jul 2013, 9:57 pm

I think Route_Riter would have fixed the capitalization in the consist file. That's one of the six steps.


Bob Latimer

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  slipperman12 Mon 29 Jul 2013, 12:10 am

Hi Bob,
My apologies Embarassed  It's number 4, but 1 - 3 must be run before it and 5 & 6 after it - as per the instructions - otherwise it doesn't work properly!

Thank you Smile 



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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  rufuskins Mon 29 Jul 2013, 7:11 am

Whether you have installed a new route or a new activity or new stock, I would always recommend running Route Riter using steps 1 to 6 for all and steps 7 to 8 (CVF and SMS) for stock - all located on the second tab. I would then run ConBuilder - I have a licensed version and hence can deal with a larger volume of stock - and finally TrainStore. I have found that CB sometimes picks up errors missed by RR, and TS can sometimes pick up errors missed by both.

As an aside I have found that TS will sometimes not pick up a consist; i.e does not list the player loco in the RH pane, even though RR and CB are happy with it! This happened with some of the recent 116 sets. The cure was to copy a consist that was recognised and replace the stock references with those required. I haven't got a clue why this happens and can only assume that the original consist file didn't meet the format that TS expected?

Oh the joys of MSTS!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  andrew moody Mon 29 Jul 2013, 11:47 pm

Oh dear, I am rather afraid that I have rather been left behind, my understanding of all the technical side is extremly limited.
I guess this is a result of being a train Conductor or as I prefer, Railway guard for the last 40 years. So no offices/computers for me.
Also I left school in 1966 with no qualifications, er seem to managed to get by.Smile 
I am also rather wary of downloading any gizmos as One I dont really understand them and two they seem to come with all sorts
of extras to bog my computer down with and three the likes of Google chrome or ASK seem to want to manifest themselves
as my prefered service provider, I have used MSN and want to keep it that way.
I do have the latest version of Route-Riter, which I basically use to create A1 files , I have tried useing the steps 1 to 6 to try and repair various engine files that have either been unknown or not appeared in ConBuilder but to no avail.

I also use Con Builder 3.0 and have trainstore as well as 7Zip.
With regards to my present problem with the consists in the Electric goods activity I have now run the act and it is extremly good.
I hope that this thread may be able to help others that might have the same problem.

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

andrew moody

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"Unknown" Trains in activity editor Empty Re: "Unknown" Trains in activity editor

Post  rufuskins Tue 30 Jul 2013, 7:01 am

I am pleased that you are able to drive trains, because of course that is the name of the game. What I will try and do, is to prepare a simple post for the "Helpful Facts and Links" area that describes what Steps 1 thru 6 - and 7 thru 8 - in Route Riter tell you, and what actions you can take to address the output.
It is an extremely valuable tool that personally I couldn't do without, although it is not a panacea.
Threads such as this provide valuable insight for both newcomers and experienced users alike, because there is always something to be learnt to improve the performance of MSTS.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Age : 75
Location : Milnrow, Lancashire

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