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Problems with loading activitys

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Problems with loading activitys Empty Problems with loading activitys

Post  Twomanydjs Sun 28 Apr 2013, 2:53 pm

I am trying to make some activity's for Crosby Valley but every time i try to load them up it keeps telling me
" failed to load shapes" and its a random set of shapes every time this only happens when loading an activity because when i load up explore mode every thing is fine and it loads up ok dos any one know why this is and how can i fix it
Many Thanks Dave

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Problems with loading activitys Empty Re: Problems with loading activitys

Post  Bob Latimer Sun 28 Apr 2013, 8:57 pm


Are you putting lots of AI and static stock in your activities? "Failed to load" usually means that your computer is struggling to cope with the load MSTS is putting on it. The fact that Free Roam works okay indicates that the route itself is okay.

Are you starting the free roam from the same starting location as the activity? If not, try that to make sure that there's not a problem with the route at that particular location.


Bob Latimer

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Join date : 2013-01-18
Age : 76
Location : Auckland, New Zealand

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