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S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024)

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S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024) Empty S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024)

Post  andoodleuk Sun 31 Mar 2024, 9:02 pm

Sorry to be a bother once again, everyone.

I know that I keep asking questions, but there is one question that I currently have in mind, and it pertains to the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway route for MSTS/Open Rails, which Clive Heard had generously uploaded.

I am not sure if I am seeing things, but whatever happened to the diesels that were included in the DVD variant of said route??? Without those diesels, some of the activities for that route might end up being incomplete (meaning, missing content).

Again, I apologize for bothering any of you again, but I felt that I needed to get it off my chest. With that in mind, I wish to know. Thanks in advance. Carry on.


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S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024) Empty Re: S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024)

Post  slipperman12 Sun 31 Mar 2024, 11:00 pm

It's no bother, mate - it's what we're here for Smile

If you're referring to the download version of the route (file UKTS_25548), no stock or activities are included.

If you've got details of which diesels are missing and, more importantly, have their UKTS file IDs, you could possibly find them on


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S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024) Empty Re: S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024)

Post  andoodleuk Sat 20 Apr 2024, 12:07 am

Well... It feels as though it had been weeks since I mentioned anything on this topic, but if you wish to know, the diesels that I am missing for this one, were made by Chris Baily and the Class 15 Preservation Society in the United Kingdom. They are: D120 and D172 (both of them being Peak Diesels), the Westerns D1000, D1010, D1035, and D1062, the Warships D802, D828, and D862, and the Hymek Diesels D7001, D7013, D7018, and D7029.

Now, I do not think that those British-made diesels are available on, let alone the activities featuring them for the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway add-on. Sorry...


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S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024) Empty Re: S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024)

Post  slipperman12 Sat 20 Apr 2024, 11:15 am

I am in contact with the Class 15 Preservation Society and there's a possibility that some of the previously available diesels will be made available on USB sticks.  I suggest you keep an eye on this thread for any further details -

D120 and D172 were available on the 'Peak Power!' CD which might be one of those to be made available again.
The Westerns, Warships & Hymeks were available on a CD issued to raise funds for the restoration of Metropolitan Vickers Co-Bo D6708, also based at the East Lancs Railway although not all those you listed are on that CD.  As you say, Chris Baily was the author so there's a very slight possibility that  the contents of that CD might be re-issued (but don't hold your breath - its date is 2004!)


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S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024) Empty Re: S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024)

Post  eolesen Tue 23 Apr 2024, 6:28 am

andoodleuk wrote:
Now, I do not think that those British-made diesels are available on, let alone the activities featuring them for the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway add-on. Sorry...

You'd be wrong.

We have the D120, D172, and activities from the SDJR.  If it was on UKTS, we preserved it last year and catalogued under the UKTS file numbers to make it easier to find.

Those are just the few I tried.


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S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024) Empty Re: S&DJR for MSTS/Open Rails (3/31/2024)

Post  slipperman12 Tue 23 Apr 2024, 3:42 pm

Many thanks, Eric Smile

@andoodleuk :
In addition to the above :
D1010 is in UKTS_17262
D1062 is in UKTS_1126 - this model dates from 2002 so you may prefer to substitute it with a newer model.
D1000 is not available, but several other numbers are included in UKTS_18691 and UKTS_20025

D828 is available in UKTS_16762, which also includes 5 other numbers.
D802 and D862 are not available

None of the listed numbers is available, but UKTS_17438 contains 4 differently numbered locos.

Hope this helps,

Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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