Train Sim Safe House
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Another new member makes the dash!

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Another new member makes the dash! Empty Another new member makes the dash!

Post  perfnet Thu 20 Jul 2023, 4:03 pm

Hi all

I have left it to the last moment almost to break cover and make the dash over here. You will know me as Perfnet from UK Train Sim (there is a reason and, yes, it seemed like a good idea at the time!) and I hope to get all of my activities hosted here over time. Many thanks for all the kind words that have been said about them in the past and I don't think I've said everything I want to in MSTS/Open Rails just yet, so I hope to produce a few more activities anon.

All the best



Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-07-20

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Another new member makes the dash! Empty Re: Another new member makes the dash!

Post  perfnet Wed 23 Aug 2023, 6:57 am

Hi all. I would like to upload a few files to the library, including my latest about to be completed activity. Can someone be kind and explain to me how to do that, please? Many thanks!


Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-07-20

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Another new member makes the dash! Empty Re: Another new member makes the dash!

Post  j3801 Wed 23 Aug 2023, 10:39 am

Hi Richard,

I am sorry but I am only halfway through setting up your page on TSSHFH, life has gotten in the way.
If you want to email me the files (I can PM you my email address) I will gladly add any new files to your list of uploads!


Another new member makes the dash! Sig10

Posts : 725
Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 39
Location : Kirrawee, Sydney, Australia

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Another new member makes the dash! Empty Re: Another new member makes the dash!

Post  perfnet Wed 23 Aug 2023, 11:28 am

Hi Justin

I was wondering about how to do it going forward, and also to reduce your workload! Thanks for letting me know. I will email the files in a little while.



Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-07-20

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