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Post  R H Steele Thu 10 Sep 2015, 1:12 am

Hello Everyone, happy to be a new member.  Will try to live up to the forum standards.  Some members, perhaps, may know me from Elvas and TS, where I also post using variations of R H Steele.  A nod to my grandfather who took me for my first ride on a small diesel locomotive in a city corporation yard (mid 1950's).  The engine was fabricated in the yard for use on the yard tracks.  We would go out on the weekends and he ( a civil engineer) would let me run in around the tracks - sitting on his lap - !  He was really doing the driving but to my imagination it was myself at the controls.  My interest in trains was very casual for the remainder of my life - I always liked trains, rode them when I could, but never developed any where near the knowledge displayed in the forums.

2013 - I was cleaning out some boxes of old computer stuff and came across a forgotten set of shrinkwrapped disks.  Microsoft Train Simulator in all it's original glory.  I was curious, never had even opened it, could barely remember the purchase - original reciept, barely legible had the date 2002.  Curious, I installed the disks and looked around the web for any remaining interest in the program.  I found that in the decade since the release, a huge international community had sprung up.  Shortly that lead to Elvas Tower, went there first because I was familiar with the original real Elvas Tower, went by there many times.  I joined and slowly entered the dialogue.

Learned about Open Rails, was hesitant at first, this was in early 2013, but took the plunge and installed it.  I have been running it every day since then, keeping up with the weekly test (then experimental) versions.  Because part of my enjoyment in the hobby comes from working with the digital files (background in commercial digital photography - we built our machines, tested the early versions of photoshop, etc) Open Rails has become my favorite....also the abundance of routes and equipment.  I  also use Run8 from time to has an appeal for me.  

Well that's the short version.   CheesyGrin   you folks have some cool emoticons!

Last edited by R H Steele on Thu 10 Sep 2015, 4:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammer)

Cheers, RH Steele (Gerry)
R H Steele
R H Steele

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Join date : 2015-09-09
Location : known universe

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Post  Markh5682 Thu 10 Sep 2015, 1:38 am

Welcome to the forum R H Steele. OK  you'll find that we are a friendly helpful bunch to genuine train simmers on here. Very Happy


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Post  35005CP Thu 10 Sep 2015, 1:28 pm

A very warm welcome to the forum. Very Happy

I hope you will get involved with the conversations and any help you need just let us know! We're all a friendly and helpful bunch! OK CheesyGrin

All the best


Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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Post  slipperman12 Thu 10 Sep 2015, 6:10 pm

Sorry to be late to your welcoming party Smile

I won't call you by the name I know you in case you want to keep it hush-hush!! (Although I don't know why.)

As my fellow simmers have said, you'll find us (mostly!) a very friendly bunch here on TSSH.



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