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London South Coast - EB

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London South Coast - EB Empty London South Coast - EB

Post  rufuskins Sun 03 Mar 2013, 8:42 pm

Route Name = London South Coast

London South Coast - EB Lsc_pi10
London South Coast - EB Lsc_pi11

Route Author = EuropeanBahn

Route Location = Southern England

Route Mileage = TBC

Route Era = 2000s to current

Route Source = from UKTrainSim CD ordering (cost includes one month’s premium UKTS membership), also from First Class Simulations; Plus other online retailers.

Additional files required to be installed = none

Route Description =
An MSTS Route on a CD coming complete with a number of activities and the relevant stock to run those activities.
"This route is the EuropeanBahn version of the London Victoria to Brighton and Portsmouth lines. It is set in modern times as a 3rd rail high traffic line.

This route is a combination of 2 previously released routes - London to Brighton and Brighton to Portsmouth - and as such has been updated and improved over the 2 previously released versions. In addition there is some new track covering the Arun Valley Line (via Horsham).

The route comes with a wide variety of rolling stock and these are utilised in 21 activities. If you are after more action for this route, UKTS is a great source where in excess of 150 additional activities can be downloaded together with relevant stock.”

(This post was put together by Justin with a small input from Alec.)

Last edited by Markh5682 on Tue 09 Apr 2013, 4:54 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Arun Valley Line note added)

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


Posts : 3732
Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 76
Location : Milnrow, Lancashire

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