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London Tilbury & Southend V2

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London Tilbury & Southend V2 Empty London Tilbury & Southend V2

Post  rufuskins Thu 28 Feb 2013, 8:16 pm

Route Name = London Tilbury & Southend

London Tilbury & Southend V2 Lts_pi10

Route Author = Michael Beere

Route Location = see title

Route Mileage = TBC

London Tilbury & Southend V2 Lts_ma10

Route Era = 1950s

Route Source = from UKTS Downloading ( )

Additional files required to be installed = UKFineScale ( )
NewRoads ( )

Route Description =
An MSTS Route that can be downloaded from UKTS. Activities and relevant stock can also be found on UKTS.

"Set in 1950's the route is based on the Middleton Press books. The route includes all the connections to the GE Main line and the GE main line has been built from Liverpool Street to Southend Victoria and Chelmsford.”

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 76
Location : Milnrow, Lancashire

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