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Advice on my corrupt route.

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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Thu 06 Jun 2024, 6:48 pm

It appears I don't backup frequently.

I just lost nine days of work on a route I was working on. All the files saved correctly, except the TDB. This file and the TDB.BK file saved only a quarter of the actually file size.

85% of the work was scenery items, 10% was signals and markers and 5% was some altered trackwork.

Replacing the corrupt TDB with the latest backup of nine days ago, R.E now loads the route and allows the option to delete the amended signals and markers( out of sync ), however, the amended trackwork shows in RE, with the white TDB lines not in sync with these amended track layout. Some of the areas where the amended track pieces are located causes RE to crash.

So the advice I am looking for is:

1. Restart the lost work again from nine days ago.

2. Can TSRE help in this particular problem. I need TSRE to delete the amended white track lines, as well as the track pieces. Also the amended signal and markers?




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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  peacockg Fri 07 Jun 2024, 4:30 pm

Hi Gary
I think you can recover most of your work but the process is a bit complicated.

First let us identify the 3 versions of your route
Route A: the current version with the partial tdb file
Route B: the current version with the 9 day old tdb file
Route C: the 9 day old version

Make sure that these are safe and cannot be overwritten.

Now load Route B in TSRE and take screenshots of all the areas where you have tdb lines without a track piece.

Now load Route C. This will be modified so this now becomes route D.
Delete all track pieces that are associated with the problem lines in your screenshots. Delete all interactives (speedposts, signals, mileposts) in the area.
Save this as a backup route D

Now load route B. This will be modified so becomes route E.
Delete the tdb tit rdb and rit files.
Replace them with the files saved in route D.
Now look at the route in TSRE. If you still have tdb lines without track, go back to D and delete more track. Repeat until you are happy that Route E has no problem tdb lines. Save a backup as route E.

On we go with route F. Look over the new track you have laid (this has no tdb lines) and delete any interactives you find.
Start an activity in Open Rails and look at the log file to see if any problems remain.
Navigate in TSRE to each location and delete the offending item if you can see it.
If you cannot find the problems in TSRE you will need to edit the world files.
Suppose that the following signal is identified as a problem. You might find this in the file by searching for the UiD number or one of the numbers in the position line.
Now delete everything from the start of Signal down to and including the last ) before speedpost.

Signal (
UiD ( 1169 )
FileName ( kngersh2.s )
Position ( -969.236 404.23 -390.779 )
QDirection ( 0 0.824026 0 -0.566553 )
VDbId ( 4294967295 )
SignalSubObj ( 00000001 )
SignalUnits ( 1
SignalUnit ( 0
TrItemId ( 0 3751 )
Speedpost (
UiD ( 1178 )
Speed_Digit_Tex ( jp1signnumbers.ace )
Speed_Sign_Shape ( 1 -0.011 1.754 -0.249 0 )
Speed_Text_Size ( 0.2 0.2 0 )
TrItemId ( 0 1260 )

Don't worry about messing things up. You can always delete the world file and go back to the original.

Delete all offending items in this way and save.

If you have now got a route that Open Rails does not complain about, you can select all the new track pieces one by one and they will be added to the tdb.
All that remains to be done is replace the interactives.

If the route now works -- retire to a darkened room with a large glass of your favourite tipple.
Hope this works for you.
If not you still have the 3 routes A B and C that you had at the beginning.


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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Fri 07 Jun 2024, 8:26 pm

Hi Garry

Many thanks for your detail description. I have done something similar in the past with MSTS RE, but it was a small area and no track work was involved( I think ). It was just signals and level crossing markers to contend with.

Anyway, In my broken route, there are no missing track shapes per se, but the track vectors(old) do no much the newer track pieces. Before I indulged in your method, I notice TSRE has a couple of 'hack' features to delete the vectors. Also in the setting.txt, if this is set to true:-
leaveTrackShapeAfterDelete = true

It should delete any track piece vectors that I am unsure of and I can then later re-enter the track shapes back into the TDB with the Z key. I done a rough example on a certain area and it appears to work. This is the first time using TSRE, so I am still testing the waters with it.
I am using the 32-bit version from Goku site, so I am unsure if this is the only version I can use at present.

A couple of beginner questions.

1. Is there a way to select a track piece without moving it in error with the mouse.
2. Moving and positioning any item with the keyboard.
3. Any other TSRE tips and keys that can benefit for the above.
4. If after using TSRE and correcting any errors, will MSTS RE become unstable or unusable on this route.

At the moment, I am only using TSRE to get rid of errors that R.E cannot fix. Later in time, I will move over to TSRE, once my computer is updated.



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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  peacockg Sat 08 Jun 2024, 3:35 pm

Hi Garry

In answer to your TSRE questions, I will do my best. I never use MSTSRE now. Everything is TSRE.

1. Is there a way to select a track piece without moving it in error with the mouse.
I have not discovered a way to stop this, and it can be annoying. I use the Edit/Undo function on the top menu bar. Not to be confused with the Edit underneath the item name. This can Undo many of your previous moves 1 at a time.
If the track has been moved too far in the past, I delete it and reinsert. Only thing to note here is if the track is on a gradient, it is worth noting the value first.

2. Moving and positioning any item with the keyboard.
3. Any other TSRE tips and keys that can benefit for the above.
You can adjust the position using the keyboard in 2 ways:
A: You can change its position in the TILE X Y or Z direction by typing new values into the boxes under Position and Rotation. I only use this to move an item out of the way while I do something else. Usually I increase the Y value (height) by 100. This raises the item and makes it easy to reposition.
B: you can change its position in the OBJECTX Y and Z direction using the transform function. An example of this would be if I am running the track above ground level on a retaining wall, the track is on a constant gradient. First I line up my first piece of 100m long wall and get it just below the track. Select Copy Posn+Rot. Copy and paste the item. Then click Paste beside Copy Posn+Rot. The new item is in exactly the same position as the original. Now using Transform I can move this item in the X or Z direction by 100m. Trial and error will get it to move in the correct direction along the axes of the retaining wall, so it ends up lining up exactly 100m along AND the y value has increased with the gradient of the track.
You can also change the angle of the item.

4. If after using TSRE and correcting any errors, will MSTS RE become unstable or unusable on this route.
As I have said, I never use MSTS RE now but usually the route will be ok in both editors.
Tiles created in TSRE (such an easy process) only have 2 files, but MSTS will create the others.
Some animations of walking people use a Car Spawner not attached to a road which can give MSTS a headache.

Hope this helps

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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Sat 08 Jun 2024, 6:57 pm

Hi Garry

I made some more progress with the amended tracks, all the new track pieces in the W files, while the old track vectors were deleted are now store in the updated TDB. This hack function is a 'god send' compared to the vector errors that MSTS R.E will produce.

ATM, the route fails to load in MSTS R.E, but there are still loads of speedpost, level crossing items and siding items that TSRE is reporting has having no road and track sections. TSRE goes to the location of any invalid signal markers in a route, but this does not appear to apply with any other items  ie-

Message - Item has no trackNode: 1028. Type: levelcritem

Description -  Interactive item is not placed on any track. Should it be removed?

You can select the objects but TSRE only gives the item description and an ID number of 1028. Its a shame you cannot delete this items from the console. I haven't found a way as yet.

Your original methods to restore the route are my next to do list, if things go totally wrong using the TSRE hacking features.

One other thing. Are all the latest versions of TSRE 64-bit?




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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Sat 08 Jun 2024, 10:24 pm

Well shock and horror.......but in a good way.

I couldn't understand why TSRE was reporting missing signal items. The one it was reporting on, was untouched and place years ago in this route.

After more digging, TSRE was reporting it was expecting a signal,  but found this signal instead-

BRCL LOS_SB  --  the signal it was expecting

BRCL .            -- the signal it found.

I looked in the TDB and TIT and lo and behold, TSRE replaced signal 'BRCL LOS_SB' with 'BRCL .'

Looking in my sigCFG and SCR files, the signal is labeled exactly like this "BRCL LOS_SB".

It appears that my version of TSRE(32bit) does not like spaces in the description of the signals, even within the quotes. I renamed "BRCL LOS_SB" to "BRCL_LOS_SB" and the errors that TSRE was reporting had gone. But then I got another surprise. MSTS RE was now working on my route again. MSTS RE was throwing a TDB error because of the renamed signals by TSRE. Unsure if this has been updated in newer versions of TSRE.

I've got my route 75% working. I just need to delete some track vectors and update the amended track shapes for the TDB,  then find and delete the missing sound, siding and level crossing markers that are not on the tracks/roads.

I need TSRE to fix my errors, but until I can update my PC and use the latest version of TSRE, I will have to stick to the old and sort of trustworthy MSTS RE for the time being, backing up at least once a day!

I know how easy and reliable TSRE is and can't wait to use it permanently.




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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Sun 09 Jun 2024, 11:39 pm

My route is now back 99%.

I had a little scare as the route opened in TSRE, OR-Trackviewer, A.E and MSTS R.E, but would crash OpenRails with a signalling fault in the log file. Luckily, I remembered in TSRE that just one of my signals was linked in an unusual way. I deleted that signal and now OR runs 100%. That one signal completely shut down OR!

Still have to replace some Interactives, then the route will be back 100%.

Will be backing up everyday from now on, but through TSRE, I now know how to fix those dreaded TDB errors that plague us since the beginning of MSTS.



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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Thu 13 Jun 2024, 9:01 pm

After getting my route working 100% again. I have been updated the route for a few days. In TSRE, I did lose four stations due to interactives on certain track pieces being removed due to the earlier backup version of the TDB.

The first two stations were easy to replaced with the original track items ID number, due to TSRE reserving the originals numbers with Empty items. However, I did find out too late, that once using MSTS RE and saving, the empty items are being reused.

This has cause one station with two different platform track item ID's. MSTS A.E is throwing a hissy fit with invalid platform markers on certain activities. However, one station with three platforms that was not altered in anyway is causing A.E not recognizing just one of  the platform numbers. I have check the TDB and TIT and the track item ID numbers or exactly the same as previous versions.

What else can be causing MSTS A.E not recognizing this platform marker?



Last edited by coolhand101 on Thu 13 Jun 2024, 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarity)


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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  dennisat Fri 14 Jun 2024, 3:43 pm


Have either of you had a look at the version of TSRE now available from  Eric, the site owner, cracked the problem of compiling the source code that Goku left.  It's now up to version v8.004 and seemingly has few problems and quite a few additional helpful features.

I've been considering reviving a long dormant project that I started with MSTS RE.



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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Fri 14 Jun 2024, 7:34 pm

dennisat wrote:Hi,

Have either of you had a look at the version of TSRE now available from  Eric, the site owner, cracked the problem of compiling the source code that Goku left.  It's now up to version v8.004 and seemingly has few problems and quite a few additional helpful features.

I've been considering reviving a long dormant project that I started with MSTS RE.


Hi Dennis

I can only use the 32-bit version AFAIK ATM.

I know Goku stated on his website that all updates will use 64-bit. Unsure if the TS.COM versions are 32 or 64bit ?



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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  slipperman12 Fri 14 Jun 2024, 8:01 pm

Hi Gary,
I hope you don't mind me asking a rather cheeky question.

Why can't you use the 64bit version of TSRE? The regular version of Windows has been 64bit for a good many years now and PCs have been 64bit for almost as long.

I can accept that you may be running a 32bit version of XP, but I'm pretty sure that the more modern versions of Open Rails won't run on a 32bit platform.


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Sat 15 Jun 2024, 4:52 am

slipperman12 wrote:Hi Gary,
I can accept that you may be running a 32bit version of XP, but I'm pretty sure that the more modern versions of Open Rails won't run on a 32bit platform.


Hi Ged.

Still on XP, that why I can only run the last 32bit version of OR, which must be at least 5 years ago.

Carlo over at ET, compiled a personal dll, so I could test and run the British AWS system on the last XP version.

Any bugs I encounter, I look at updated versions to see if the bugs have been fit. If not, I ask members on here or over at ET who run the latest OR versions to check if any bugs are still present.

I've been saying I will update from XP since OR stopped supporting it. I can't believe how quick time flies.



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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  slipperman12 Sat 15 Jun 2024, 11:03 am

Hi Gary, thanks for your reply Smile

You're absolutely right - the older you get, the faster time goes, or so it seems!!

As you're on XP, I suspect that your PC won't run Windows 11.  I have the same problem which is why I'm still on Windows 10 and will be until Microsoft withdraw support which, I believe, is next year.


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  peacockg Sat 15 Jun 2024, 3:50 pm

Hi Gary
I have just upgraded my very old Windows 10 machine to a mini pc with built in AMD graphics.

I thought I had got MSTS working but I have the following problems:
MSTS Editor and Tools loads the home screen after an age. I can open an activity and the route appears on the screen. When I try to edit an activity it crashes.
MSTS opens to a very disjointed full screen menu page. I close it at this point.

As I only very rarely use Activity Editor and nothing else I do not intend to investigate this. My old Windows 10 computer sits out of the way under the printer so I may well just leave it there and use it to edit activities if needed.

My route is built totally using TSRE and I use Open Rails to see that my current working location looks ok under day/night/snow conditions.

If you can it may be an idea to hang on to your old machine for occasional use.


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Advice on my corrupt route. Empty Re: Advice on my corrupt route.

Post  coolhand101 Mon 24 Jun 2024, 1:31 am

coolhand101 wrote:
This has cause one station with two different platform track item ID's. MSTS A.E is throwing a hissy fit with invalid platform markers on certain activities. However, one station with three platforms that was not altered in anyway is causing A.E not recognizing just one of  the platform numbers. I have check the TDB and TIT and the track item ID numbers or exactly the same as previous versions.

What else can be causing MSTS A.E not recognizing this platform marker?

Finally edited the TDB manually on the above station with the original platform track ID items. Not only does MSTS A.E now recognized the above station, it has also fix the error on the preceding station regarding certain invalid platform numbers.

It appears MSTS A.E was conflicting with the traffic path and service path. The traffic file had the missing station, while the service/actiivity file was missing the station. The "Skip count" was conflicting between the two. This meant A.E was expecting a certain platform but got the one before. Normally, a re-save of the activity will update certain things, but not with this problem.

Glad the error is now fix and the route is back to 100%.



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