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Central Line 1960 Stock

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Central Line 1960 Stock Empty Central Line 1960 Stock

Post  docmartin Tue 28 Apr 2020, 9:07 pm

I have built a model of the LT 1960 stock as used on the Central Line to accompany my recently uploaded Chiltern line.  A user noted that some of the cars merge into each other.  The screenshot below shows how the trailing cars merge into the driving cars but not into each other (nor do the driving cars merge into each other).
Central Line 1960 Stock 1960_s10
I have tried tweaking the length parameter in the wag file but this seems to have had no effect.  If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful to hear from them.


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Central Line 1960 Stock Empty Re: Central Line 1960 Stock

Post  slipperman12 Tue 28 Apr 2020, 10:45 pm

Hi Martin,
I'm sorry, I don't know the answer, but ...
Does the consist appear correctly in the sim?  If so, I would suspect a problem with the Consist Editor.  

If the problem does appear in the sim, Open Rails doesn't use the .sd file entries but uses the Size Z value from the .eng file and (I'm pretty sure) the ro values from the Coupling section.  I may be wrong here, but I think it also uses the CentreOf Gravity value.

Apologies for my rather vague reply but it's a while since I had to delve into the problems of vehicle spacing!!


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Central Line 1960 Stock Empty Re: Central Line 1960 Stock

Post  docmartin Tue 28 Apr 2020, 10:58 pm

Hi Ged,

The consist appears in the sim exactly as is shown in the Consist Editor. The problem with altering the z dimension is that it increases the gap between the cars equally at both ends thereby, whilst opening up a gap between the trailing cars and the driving cars, also increasing the gap between the trailing cars to an unacceptable extent. Although as far as I can tell in TSM the trailing cars are centered correctly around the y axis, I wonder whether this needs to be adjusted somewhat to get the desired effect of an equal gap at both ends.


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Central Line 1960 Stock Empty Re: Central Line 1960 Stock

Post  ShortNorth Sat 02 May 2020, 1:28 am

G'day Martin,

Give this tutorial a try !

Regards, Brian

"Any railway that paints their locomotives such a magnificent shade of red, must be the most superior in the land" (apologies to the late David Jenkinson).

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Central Line 1960 Stock Empty Re: Central Line 1960 Stock

Post  ianmacmillan Sat 02 May 2020, 11:45 am

Looks like you do not have the model correctly centred.

Measure the distance from front coupling face to rear coupling face.
Make a box with this length.
This will give the true origin for the model

select all (A)
Deselect the new box
Move the complete model to the to the new origin.
Centre axis of the Main part to origin.
Delete the new box.

Cross your fingers and try the model in the sim.


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Central Line 1960 Stock Empty Re: Central Line 1960 Stock

Post  ShortNorth Sat 02 May 2020, 11:02 pm

Another alternative to Ian's method.

Measure the distance from front coupling face to rear coupling face.

Set the Grid Size to HALF of this dimension.

Select All

Move / slide the whole model to fit exactly between the centred grid lines

Unselect All

Centre axis of the Main part to origin.

Export to sim (or temp folder), then save.

I always export to a temp folder where I massage the model until I'm satisfied with it, then, and only then do I move the final model into either the Trainset or the route, dependent on what the model is.

Regards, Brian

"Any railway that paints their locomotives such a magnificent shade of red, must be the most superior in the land" (apologies to the late David Jenkinson).

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Central Line 1960 Stock Empty Re: Central Line 1960 Stock

Post  docmartin Sun 03 May 2020, 10:29 pm

Thanks for your replies. I don't think it is a centering problem - the stock appears exactly centered in TSM. Since the gaps on either side of the trailing cars are unequal, I suspect it may be a Centre of Gravity problem. The Steam4Tutorial should be helpful and I am grateful for being pointed towards it.


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Age : 80
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