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2016 Xmas Lunch for NW Branch of TSSH

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2016 Xmas Lunch for NW Branch of TSSH Empty 2016 Xmas Lunch for NW Branch of TSSH

Post  rufuskins Fri 25 Nov 2016, 9:11 am

As Mark and I missed out on the model railway exhibition at Warrington this year, we decided to go out for an early Xmas lunch. After picking up Mark we went for an enjoyable lunch at Yarrow Bridge Flaming Grill near Chorley - unfortunately no Xmas lunch menu! There we attempted to put the world and train simulation to rights. At Mark's place he showed me his latest activity creation running in Open Rails. I hadn't realised that an activity could be run in an automatic mode, which is an obvious plus for activity writers when checking the development.. I was definitely impressed, and perhaps in the future I could have a go at this area myself for the LNWR stock.
I hope that we can repeat the outing next year, although we also hope to visit more railway related locations including model and real!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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2016 Xmas Lunch for NW Branch of TSSH Empty Re: 2016 Xmas Lunch for NW Branch of TSSH

Post  Markh5682 Sun 27 Nov 2016, 11:09 am

Thank you Alec, OK  it was a very nice lunch out, and definitely one which would be nice to repeat at some point in the future. Very Happy

The autopilot mode in OR is a definite plus in the later stages of activity creation when checking AI and loose consist placement, it is very consistent and allows you to concentrate more on the visual changes made within the activity.

That is a good idea Alec, creating some acts to go with your coaches and wagons, it would be especially good for less experienced users, or users who lack the confidence to go into AE to create their own. OK


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