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A personal perspective on 2016

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A personal perspective on 2016 Empty A personal perspective on 2016

Post  rufuskins Wed 21 Dec 2016, 6:55 pm

In January 2017 TSSH will be four years old and continues to provide a forum in which we can concentrate on MSTS. Add to this an alternative means of uploading/downloading and the future of TSSH looks set for a positive outlook. However there are several interesting threads in the Open Rails area showing that it continues to develop.

In terms of facts there are 211 members and between us we have left nearly 15700 messages, although only 88 members have so far actually posted, but it is to be hoped that many of the others will have found the various areas to be of use. Of these a few members appear to have joined after presumably perusing the site, but for some reason have then never directly visited again other than as guests!

We continue to offer something that is complimentary to UKTS, but at the same time is sufficiently different to make it a worthwhile experience. The successful ideas of a Route Directory and Helpful Facts has, it is hoped, helped people decide either to start using MSTS or start to use MSTS again.

In general we appear to have come to terms with Microsoft's latest Windows operating system, which has been because those in the know have been  able to find their way through the maze.  Details of these can be found both here on TSSH and on other forums. I'm not a great fan but perhaps time will improve my opinion.

We have been lucky this year in so far as the generosity of fellow simmers has allowed us to use their routes, namely  South East Steam. On a personal level I am extremely grateful.

As noted above Open Rails seems to be progressing well , although the lack of a route editor, etc. is still considered a slight drawback. However one is being developed outside the main OR team, and details can be found on

On a personal level I have continued to work on LNWR carriages having uploaded thirteen sets, as well as LYR wagons where I have one upload for vans nearly ready. I identified back in 2015 that there was a lack of relevant routes in terms of age and infrastructure to run them on. I am therefore ecstatic with the news that Brian Beere-Streeter has adapted the Black Country route to be relevant for the LNWR in the 1920s. In addition he has created suitable locomotives as well as wagons!

I have also tried to promote train simulation on Facebook by posting screenshots under Public. I also presented a slide show to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Society to show that there was more than model railways to showcase the railway. I have committed myself to making a similar presentation to the London & North Western Railway Society next year.

I look forward to 2017 with the usual mixture of pleasure and trepidation as changes occur both in the area of computers and train simulation, as well as in the country as a whole.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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A personal perspective on 2016 Empty Re: A personal perspective on 2016

Post  OldVern Wed 28 Dec 2016, 5:54 pm

It has actually been a frustrating year for me, the first one for several years where I never actually managed to get a route up and finished - in any of the sims.

Not helped when I "lost the lot" after the great crash of the new laptop in the summer.

The upside is I now have various fledgling routes in all three of the sims and I'm going to make it one of my New Year's resolutions for 2017 to bring some focus to bear and get something done.

2016 has also been a sad year for the hobby. I see on UKTS a news report that Pat Dalton has passed, we also lost Otto Wipfel a couple of months ago and a guy by the nickname of Andi06 - very active in Trainz - also died recently. RIP to all.


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A personal perspective on 2016 Empty Re: A personal perspective on 2016

Post  emufarmer Thu 29 Dec 2016, 12:38 pm

Its been a couple of frustrating couple of years for me, I went to UK to see my Daughter and got a bad virus on the plane, getting home my Doctor treated me but I ended up in Hospital with a Heart Valve Operation.

Then my Daughter got killed in a head-on with a drunk and I was not able to Fly back for her funeral because of my heart, I am now fighting Bladder Cancer and then I lost my good friend Otto whom I always visited when I'm in the UK,

During the last couple of years I found time to work on my Honeybourne to Gloucester in the45/60s Route, although its hard sometime to concentrate as I'm nearing 81, I sometime feel like packing it all in
Frank Carver

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A personal perspective on 2016 Empty Re: A personal perspective on 2016

Post  rufuskins Thu 29 Dec 2016, 7:22 pm

Frank, your comments have helped me to get a better perspective on life. I am very sorry to hear of your travails this year, and can only hope that 2017 is a little better for you, and that perhaps train simulation can offer a brief respite. A little and often may be the best approach, and I can only suggest that you take each day as it comes - yesterday has gone and who knows what will happen tomorrow so just cope with today!
All the best, Alec

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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