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Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway

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Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway Empty Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway

Post  Jonathan David Sun 16 Oct 2016, 7:04 pm

I have rather belatedly tried running one of the activities, namely Pines Express Bath to Bournemouth on this excellent route.
No problems until I get to Poole. Then just before departure time I get a "derailed" notice and the activity ends. Investigation reveals two trains crashing at the junction just before (west of?) Poole, both running on clear signals. I assume this must be a problem with the setting up of the signals at the junction. Has anyone else come across this? More important in a way, is there any way for someone who has never attempted to write or modify a route to correct this?

Jonathan David

Posts : 359
Join date : 2016-08-10
Age : 77
Location : Newtown, Powys

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Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway Empty Re: Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway

Post  OldVern Sun 16 Oct 2016, 9:08 pm

I must re-acquaint myself with this route.

in the meantime the only possible solution I could suggest is to open the AE and attempt to remove one or both of the offending trains.


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Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway Empty Re: Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway

Post  slipperman12 Sun 16 Oct 2016, 9:10 pm

Hi Jonathan,
In MSTS, there's a known problem with some diamond crossings in that they can't be linked to signals and, so, are not protectable.   I say "can't", but I believe there is a way, but it would take an experienced route builder to sort it out.  It's certainly not a job for a novice!!

If it doesn't involve a diamond crossing, please tell us the activity with the problem and, if possible, the "simulator time", then someone will be able to check it out.

Just having second thoughts - it may be possible to avoid the problem by changing the timing of one of the trains..


EDIT : Vern beat me to it Smile That is a good alternative.

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Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway Empty Re: Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway

Post  Jonathan David Sun 16 Oct 2016, 9:19 pm

Thanks. I thought that might be the case. In fact I have already altered the time of one of the AI trains by a minute. What I haven't checked yet is whether it has a knock on effect the Pines Express itself. There seems to be more AI traffic around Poole than in the rest of the activity.

Jonathan David

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Age : 77
Location : Newtown, Powys

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Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway Empty Re: Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway

Post  Markh5682 Mon 17 Oct 2016, 1:30 am

Hi Jonathan.

Have you tried running the activity in Open rails? I have run both southbound pines express activities without incident on OR.


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