Train Sim Safe House
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Washington & Old Dominion (Electric)

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Washington & Old Dominion (Electric) Empty Washington & Old Dominion (Electric)

Post  neanderthal Wed 29 Apr 2015, 7:51 pm

Well Blow me sideways,here's the earlier version.I'm not that fussy on this one, though it does actually increase the Route Mileage by including the 14 miles from Rosslyn to Great Falls.It is quite scenic too.

Washington & Old Dominion (Electric) Scrgrb17  Washington & Old Dominion (Electric) Scrgrb18

Washington & Old Dominion (Electric) Scrgrb19  Washington & Old Dominion (Electric) Scrgrb20

Well I think that's as many as I'm going to try out.But I have at least shown (to myself at least) that what with the retro routes and some surprisingly modern ones that there is still "Life in the Old Girl"...........
Roger the Neanderthal affraid


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Age : 73
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