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KWVR V2.08

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KWVR V2.08 Empty KWVR V2.08

Post  bharrison Fri 12 Sep 2014, 1:31 pm

Hi all.

After contacting Bob about my activities on his version of the Kwvr V2 route.

I'm posting this advice. All my activities were written using an older Version of 2.08 and anyone who has the newer version of 2.08 installs my activities at their own risk as they are not tried and tested on the newer version.

I don't suspect there with be any Issues. But like I said it is at your own risk that you install them. Due to changes made between the two versions.

Thank You Ben  A4PSmember[b][color=#ff9933]

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Join date : 2013-01-22
Location : Somewhere on the old LNER network North of york

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KWVR V2.08 Empty Re: KWVR V2.08

Post  slipperman12 Fri 12 Sep 2014, 2:12 pm

Bob's version IS 2.08, which is the very last one issued.
I have successfully tested it with a couple of your activities.



Posts : 2625
Join date : 2013-01-29
Age : 82
Location : North Nottinghamshire

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