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S/H Books on GWR Coaches

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S/H Books on GWR Coaches Empty S/H Books on GWR Coaches

Post  rufuskins Wed 17 Jul 2013, 11:42 am

I am still considering Hawksworth coaches for TSM modelling after a Class 11 (ex LMS) shunter.

I have come across two S/H books on the internet and was wondering how much coverage is given to Hawksworth coaches?

The two books are both by J H Russell:-

1. GWR Coaches Vol 2 - mainline coaches(?) 1903-1948 @ approx £18 inc p+p
2. GWR Coaches Appendix Vol1 - mainline coaches @ approx £23 inc p+p

Any comments would be welcome?

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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S/H Books on GWR Coaches Empty Re: S/H Books on GWR Coaches

Post  mikehendle Wed 17 Jul 2013, 12:30 pm

Hi Alec
I have these 2 books GREAT WESTERN COACHES FROM 1890 only has 5 photo's of Hawksworth Coaches a Brake 3rd,Brake Composite,Corridor 3rd,Sleeper 1st and one diagram of a composite brake.

The other book is Great Western Coaches in Colour which has these coaches Corridor 3rd,Brake Composite,and a Brake 3rd and a BG,
If you would like either of these books I could send them to you.


Mikeex Zuid Afrikaans Sporweg employee[i]

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S/H Books on GWR Coaches Empty Re: S/H Books on GWR Coaches

Post  rufuskins Wed 17 Jul 2013, 1:06 pm

Thanks for the offer which I will consider over the next few days. I was interested in the S/H ones as the "blurb" suggested that diagrams/plans might be included.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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