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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com Empty File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

Post  Jonathan David Wed 03 Jan 2024, 7:16 pm

I thought those administering TSSH should see this. Someone recently asked on Trainsim dot com about British carriages formerly available on UKTS. As no-one else gave any answer I responded as follows:
“Many former UKTS downloads are now on the TrainSim Safe House download site
However, they can only be uploaded there with the permission of the copyright holder or if the copyright holder has stated in the file readme that the file can be uploaded elsewhere without permission. So a lot is still missing as it is proving impossible to contact a good many of the uploaders - even if they are still alive.
On that site they are listed by author rather than file type.
Several people (not me) have put a great deal of work into getting that site up and running.
However, the next post was as follows:
“We've obviously taken a different approach here... If the actual copyright holder wants to request their files be restricted, we'll accommodate that.
Otherwise, if a file was available for free distribution and without other conditions (e.g. donation or payment) on any site that is now defunct without a clear successor, we'll preserve it and make it available on the same conditions (e.g. without compulsory donation or membership).”
This was posted by Eric, described as “owner/admin”.
It seems to me to be a very lax approach to copyright, though that is something I have found from Americans before in other fields. I am not going to respond further.

Jonathan David

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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com Empty Re: File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

Post  coolhand101 Thu 04 Jan 2024, 3:43 am

Looking back at this issue, a lot authors did indeed request that their files can only be uploaded to UKTS. However, the thought of UKTS closing was nigh on impossible back then.

Authors that have past or left the hobby, their content will be lost forever, if the copyright is 100% followed through. As UKTS is closed, I believe the copyright is in a very grey area with where to upload.

If their content is available on other freeware train sim sites,  their work is not lost. I think trainsim com has the right approach to this. If any author does make future contact for their work not to be uploaded, the site will take it down.

I still have a half a dozen unused MSTS routes and would welcome these activities to be available elsewhere. Are all the activities on UKTS lost forever ?



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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com Empty Re: File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

Post  slipperman12 Thu 04 Jan 2024, 4:03 pm

Hi coolhand101,
As far as I know, Eric has made all the files, which were downloadable from UKTS at the last count, available on
The UKTS file ID can, in most cases, be used to locate any file.


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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com Empty Re: File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

Post  coolhand101 Fri 05 Jan 2024, 4:13 am

slipperman12 wrote:Hi coolhand101,
As far as I know, Eric has made all the files, which were downloadable from UKTS at the last count, available on
The UKTS file ID can, in most cases, be used to locate any file.


Hi Ged

Wow, I missed that one! Had no idea the files was available on

Many thanks


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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com Empty Re: File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

Post  coolhand101 Fri 05 Jan 2024, 4:25 am

Ged. I cannot find any reference for UKTS files over at Could you perhaps post a link for this content to get me started?



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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com Empty Re: File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

Post  tonya37 Fri 05 Jan 2024, 4:42 am

Hi Coolhand

File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com 2700010

Simply type in the UKTS file number (digits only). You must be logged in to do this.



PS this particular file is available on TSSH.

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File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com Empty Re: File uploading policy on Trainsim dot com

Post  eolesen Tue 12 Mar 2024, 6:38 am

The UKTS library is fully integrated with our existing library at  --  I renumbered our collection to preserve the numbering from UKTS, as we didn't expose the file number until after UKTS's demise.

A description search is available on our main File Library tab, which is in addition to the File ID search Ged referred to earlier.

I'm the owner and general manager - happy to engage in any questions or concerns you might have over our shift in policy. It's aimed at preservation, which is increasingly crucial as other sites continue to fade away.


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