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Forge Digital

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Forge Digital Empty Forge Digital

Post  OldVern Fri 09 Aug 2019, 8:15 am

Suddenly found that my website (not updated for ages) and domain email has ceased working. The web host was Forge Digital and when I try to reach the log in page of their site that is also gone. The assumption has to be, unless they've had a massive DDOS attack or similar they have suddenly gone kaput. Probably explains the email I had from Nominet a few weeks ago advising my domain registration had not been updated and the fact two messages to Forge about it went unanswered.

At the same time, Train Sim Dev also seems to have gone off the air and I have a suspicion that might also have been hosted at Forge. I sent Jim Nobbs (the site owner) a PM via his contact details here but so far haven't had a response.

As regards my web site, guess that's the perils of cheap hosting. I moved to Forge after the previous host - M8 - also suddenly ceased operation. If Forge doesn't come back, I probably won't bother reviving it - it should be sitting on the Wayback machine. My heart wasn't in it that much anymore and unlike when I started out, there are plenty of train simming resources on the web these days.

If anyone else here who was also a member at Train Sim Dev or has any knowledge of what happened to Forge, some confirmation would be appreciated.


Posts : 102
Join date : 2016-10-07
Age : 63
Location : Swindon

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Forge Digital Empty Re: Forge Digital

Post  j3801 Sat 10 Aug 2019, 12:39 pm

Hi Mate,

Just checked both of the sites you mentioned and they seem to be working fine now..
No idea what has happened but sometimes the internet can be like that.


Forge Digital Sig10

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Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 39
Location : Kirrawee, Sydney, Australia

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Forge Digital Empty Re: Forge Digital

Post  OldVern Sat 10 Aug 2019, 1:46 pm

Yes it al came back late yesterday afternoon. Something about a RAID update.


Posts : 102
Join date : 2016-10-07
Age : 63
Location : Swindon

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