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Sales of Conbuilder to cease!

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Sales of Conbuilder to cease! Empty Sales of Conbuilder to cease!

Post  rufuskins Sat 23 Jun 2018, 3:59 pm

I have just seen on - - that sales of ConBuilder will cease on 30 June 2018! Their forum is to remain open.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Sales of Conbuilder to cease! Empty Re: Sales of Conbuilder to cease!

Post  glasgowworks Sat 23 Jun 2018, 5:45 pm

Hi Alec

Just noticed that, I believe this is due to the fact that popularity of MSTS is declining due to its age of the game, and copies of MSTS had ceased production about 9 years ago.

Plus, only some Windows 10 operating systems can run MSTS smoothly (mainly upgraded computers) and extended support for Windows 7 will end in 2020.

Everything new for MSTS at both UKTS and TSSH has been pretty much 1920s stuff nowadays, and is now mainly Indian stuff.

Cheers  Very Happy
Alistair Cowell

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Sales of Conbuilder to cease! Empty Re: Sales of Conbuilder to cease!

Post  cr-stagg Mon 25 Jun 2018, 1:49 am

glasgowworks wrote:Hi Alec

Just noticed that, I believe this is due to the fact that popularity of MSTS is declining due to its age of the game, and copies of MSTS had ceased production about 9 years ago.

Plus, only some Windows 10 operating systems can run MSTS smoothly (mainly upgraded computers) and extended support for Windows 7 will end in 2020.

Everything new for MSTS at both UKTS and TSSH has been pretty much 1920s stuff nowadays, and is now mainly Indian stuff.

Cheers  Very Happy
Alistair Cowell

You have the WRONG ideas concerning this.

On June 22 I informed Joe Smith of my resignation from the ConBuilder team and announced my resignation on the ConBuilder Support Forum.

You could have learned this from Elvas Tower, see

The post on TrainSim forum that Alec referenced is Joe's reaction to my resignation. I know this to be true because Joe's reply to my resignation email was "Me too."

Neither my decision to resign nor Joe's to terminate sales had anything to do with the popularity of MSTS.

Charles (Formerly a member of the ConBuilder Team)


Posts : 6
Join date : 2015-09-08

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Sales of Conbuilder to cease! Empty Re: Sales of Conbuilder to cease!

Post  rufuskins Mon 25 Jun 2018, 1:46 pm

Whilst I accept that MSTS doesn't generate the same scale of uploads and forum content I merely posted a reference to the ConBuilder post for information. I don't have access to Elvas Tower and hence know nothing of any comments on that site that allude to ConBulder decisions.
It should be noted that other utilities exist for the generation of consists such as RouteRiter, TSRE, etc., and of course MSTS itself!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Age : 76
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