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where have I gone wrong again.

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where have I gone wrong     again. Empty where have I gone wrong again.

Post  neanderthal Sat 12 Mar 2016, 7:19 pm

After reinstalling the "Far North" route back onto my PC (I love it) I thought I'd have a go at putting the "Highland Railway" back as well,though last time I tried with this Route everything went drastically wrong and I had to do a complete re-installation of MSTS.

So here is my problem....

I believe I have followed the install instructions to the letter and the Route is there,including the stock courtesy of Pat Dalton's stock list.
The Route clearly shows up on TrainStore,the Activities all show up as well,but I appear to have no Trains or Consists.I have run the Batch file.

Sadly though I now have thousands of extra stock I assume I still don't have the Correct Stock ?

Any ideas or assistance would be greatly appreciated as I would like to add yet another Scottish Route (Inverness to Aberdeen ?),but have lost heart at the moment. regards...neanderthal Embarassed


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where have I gone wrong     again. Empty Re: where have I gone wrong again.

Post  slipperman12 Sat 12 Mar 2016, 11:49 pm

Hi Roger,
Sorry to hear of your current woes - please don't lose heart!

Although I have the Highland Railway v1.0 in an installation, I hadn't added Pat Dalton's LMS stock.

I have now added it, but, unfortunately, the activities supplied in the Highland Railway Part 5 (File ID 19407) don't include the consists and the LMSR Pack don't include the correct ones, BUT there is a second Part 5 file which must be unpacked and installed - it's File ID 19459 - and does contain the required consists.


EDIT : Note there are errors in two consists; they both show an error in Line 4 when starting MSTS. Line 4 in "0509 Perth to Inverness.con" and "PL LNER D15 3NC.con" should only read : Train (
The error is that the consist name is entered on the Train ( line.


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where have I gone wrong     again. Empty Re: where have I gone wrong again.

Post  neanderthal Sun 13 Mar 2016, 8:17 am

Thanks for that Ged,I shall have a go at altering that as soon as UKTS comes back on from one of its now frequent slumbers LOL..Roger Very Happy


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Age : 73
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