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MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 33 (TSUnpack problem)

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MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 33 (TSUnpack problem) Empty MSTS - Helpful Facts and Links - Part 33 (TSUnpack problem)

Post  slipperman12 Wed 10 Jun 2015, 4:26 pm

Ever since MSTS was released, there has been an error in the Registry entry for TSUnpack.  This has resulted in the program only working correctly if an apk file is "dropped" on to the Desktop icon for TSUnpack.  The usual error message is "Failed to open package".

It must have been found very early in the life of MSTS because in 2001 a utility was produced by one Thomas Tydal to correct the error.  It was uploaded to in 2001 and UKTS in 2006; the latter library has it available as file ID 13769.

It is important that this program (tsunpack-fix.exe) is run "As administrator".  If not, it will always show the message "TSUnpack Registry Bug already fixed", even if it hasn't.    The message "TSUnpack Registry Bug was fixed" indicates that the error has been corrected.

Of course, you won't have any such problems if you use APKExtractor which is available from the UKTS library as file ID 34386, and the and Elvastower libraries as
This program will work with a single MSTS installation and, if Open Rails is installed, any of its installation profiles.


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