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Thames Trent MMl Black 5s & Toton 8Fs

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Thames Trent MMl Black 5s & Toton 8Fs Empty Thames Trent MMl Black 5s & Toton 8Fs

Post  casperdog Sat 18 Apr 2015, 6:32 am

It's come to light that there is a little problem with these locos that I use in most of my activities:

Both locos will complain loudly if there is not an entry in the common.headcodes folder in your trainset: CCW_B5 and CCW_8F.

I'm surprised it hasn't come to light before but, I am guessing that the original locos by Mick Young installed these folders so they already existed in most peoples trainsets and the problem was hidden.

The work-around if those 2 folders don't exist is:
Open the MML_Black_Fives folder, open the lamps folder, copy and paste the folder 44822 into your common.headcodes folder and re-name it CCW_B5.
Open the Toton_8F folder, open the lamps folder, copy and paste the folder 48186 into your common.headcodes folder and re-name it CCW_8F.


Thames Trent V3 :30 miles to go.

Posts : 150
Join date : 2013-01-20
Age : 71
Location : Cornwall

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