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Train Sim Safe House Membership

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Train Sim Safe House Membership

Train Sim Safe House Membership Vote_lcap145%Train Sim Safe House Membership Vote_rcap1 45% 
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Train Sim Safe House Membership Vote_lcap123%Train Sim Safe House Membership Vote_rcap1 23% 
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Total Votes : 22

Train Sim Safe House Membership Empty Train Sim Safe House Membership

Post  35005CP Mon 18 Aug - 17:49

Hi everyone,
Going by a recent discussion, I would like to get a feel if people would be interested in Paid Membership for downloading MSTS related Stock, Routes etc if we went about with a hosting site??
Of course there would be no benefits to us, just only to pay for the cost of the hosting and storage space.....
Please remember this is only multiple choice, just to gauge a feel.   Very Happy 
Many Thanks Gents.

Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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Post  Markh5682 Mon 18 Aug - 20:33

Hi Andy.

I am happy go along with the idea of having a paid membership to pay for hosting downloads but with a couple of caveats :-

Being a paid member is an additional premium service, and not a requirement to be a member of TSSH, so that non paid up members can still access and use the forum as normal, being a paid up member will give access to the download section.

The price of premium membership is not too excessive, IE: no more than UKTS membership fees, and the option of being able to use paypal would probably be an advantage too.


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Post  35005CP Mon 18 Aug - 20:36

Hi Mark,
These were my thoughts as well to work how UKTS do. I am looking at a couple of ideas currently.
I just need people to vote to gauge how many would be Interested or not or not sure? Those are the options at the top of the page.

Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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Post  gswindale Mon 18 Aug - 20:43

I'm undecided on this one - I don't tend to download a lot these days - mostly creating stuff with CD stock.

I would also query as to whether there would be a mechanism to allow non-subscribers to download content or not as that has, in my view, a big bearing on whether the content could then truly be classed as freeware from the site.

If possible; you could set it up so that subscribers get a "line-speed" download whereas non-subscribers get a "rate-limited" download - I believe this is how operate whereas UKTS also have a queuing system in place.

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Train Sim Safe House Membership Empty Re: Train Sim Safe House Membership

Post  bharrison Tue 19 Aug - 9:45

I'm un-decided on this as well. The primary reason is I feel I'd be standing on the toes of UKTS at this moment in time.
Also Who would handle the money side as well.

Thank You Ben  A4PSmember[b][color=#ff9933]

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Post  ianmacmillan Tue 19 Aug - 14:06

I don't think it would work.
There is simply not enough new content being made to justify the cost.
There would still be a need to download from UKTS for existing content.

UKTS is the one stop shop for British MSTS.
Lets keep it that way.


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Post  RIGFindlay Tue 19 Aug - 15:48

I agree with Ian Macmillan. Divided we fall. Roderic F.


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Post  dforrest Tue 19 Aug - 17:55

I also think that it would be better for all that the rift between UKTS and TSSH be bridged and uploads and download continue the way they do now.


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Post  rufuskins Tue 19 Aug - 18:59

I am a little concerned that this thread/poll has deviated from the original post, which merely asked whether people would be prepared to pay a subscription were an upload/download facility to be added!
Some of the latter posts have implied that a rift exists between TSSH and UKTS, which I am not aware of. It's true that that there have been differences at a personal level but I do not believe that this has influenced the content of TSSH. We all have to acknowledge that the known users of MSTS have declined, but I do not see why that should preclude more than one source of uploads/downloads.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Post  dforrest Tue 19 Aug - 19:49

Alec, I am please to see you state that there are no problems between UKTS and TSSH. If this is so, surely it would be better to continue with the UKTS download hosting only, with the benefits Ian noted in his post earlier.


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Train Sim Safe House Membership Empty Re: Train Sim Safe House Membership

Post  35005CP Tue 19 Aug - 20:16

Hi all,
I started this thread as a Poll to gauge Interests only. Not to start a discussion. It has been mentioned several times about hosting work elsewhere and I wanted to see whether members are interested or not?

Andy - TSSH Footplate Crew

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Post  casperdog Tue 19 Aug - 20:30

Hi, I agree with Ian on this:
ianmacmillan wrote:I don't think it would work.
There is simply not enough new content being made to justify the cost.
There would still be a need to download from UKTS for existing content.

On the poll, I voted No. Maybe the reasons below explains why.

Unless i've missed something, most content would still rely on things hosted by UKTS (sounds, cabviews etc) so 2 memberships would be required if you wanted to download at anything resembling a decent speed.

Possibly, those owners would be willing to allow TSSH to host those  files. Possibly not.

What advantage is there to anyone  in splitting content or moving content from one site to another?

How would activities using downloadable stock be created?
Does anyone seriously expect an activity writer to use stock from multiple sites? and then upload that activity to multiple sites so as to make it available to the greatest number of MSTS users.

This forum did seem a good alternative for those still interested in MSTS.  Its purpose and initial worthwhile aims seems to be getting a little clouded. Sad 


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Post  gswindale Tue 19 Aug - 21:50


I think the issue is that some users have removed content from UKTS and are now looking for it to be hosted elsewhere.

I'm not interested in the reasons behind their decisions; however we do need to look at whether there is an alternative site. Obviously is one option; however I find their file library very unfriendly to search.

If the content has been removed from UKTS and does not go elsewhere; then we have completely lost those items for users who haven't already got them Mad 

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Train Sim Safe House Membership Empty Re: Train Sim Safe House Membership

Post  j3801 Fri 22 Aug - 8:25

Hi Guys,

Just to state the unwritten idea: the download site would have the same idea as the forum: not to replace UKTS, just offer an alternative for those whom have had a “falling out” with UKTS and help keep them active in the community.


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