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Unable to send PM (TSSH)

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Unable to send PM (TSSH) Empty Unable to send PM (TSSH)

Post  andrew moody Fri 14 Jun 2013, 12:30 am

Hello everyone.
I am getting rather preplexed (If thats the right word to use.
Basically I am trying to reply to Andy Cook (CP35005) re: some pictures that I have emailed him for his Demu project.
I can receive PMs but when I attempt to open the PM folder  my end all I get is either the TSSH Logo or the PM message start screen
returns to desktop and freezes, I can only clear it by restarting my computer.

Also when I first log in automaticly I arrive at February 21st 2013 at 0759, I have to click on the MSTS thread which brings me up to date.
Eveb if I log out, the next time I click on the TSSH icon on desktop It takes me straight to  February 21st 2013 at 0759, I have to click on the MSTS thread which again brings me up to date. 
I am running XP Home, Any help very much appreciated.
Best wishes
Andy Moody

Andy Moody (AKA AJ52MDY on the UKTS site) West Moors, Dorset on the "Old Road" closed September 1964

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Unable to send PM (TSSH) Empty Re: Unable to send PM (TSSH)

Post  j3801 Fri 14 Jun 2013, 7:56 am

Hi All,

I have been doing some digging around and research into this matter and I have (unfortunately) found out what is wrong.
Forumotion (the hosts of this forum) have introduced new “editors” on the 11/6 for creating the forum posts and PMs. From what I have found out, things have gone a bit crazy, with different problems occurring across different Operating Systems and web browsers. So far I have not heard any official answer to this problem. It is apparently a beta release to see how people like it.
Here is the link to the info on it:
And here is the “official complaints” topic (very few people are happy with it):
I have personally tried accessing the new editor, it takes almost 10mins for me to get it.
Give that at this stage there is no solution forthcoming from the Forumotion heads the only thing that I can recommend is that we use emailing for personal contacts.
As soon as I find an answer I will let everybody know.

Unable to send PM (TSSH) Sig10

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Unable to send PM (TSSH) Empty Re: Unable to send PM (TSSH)

Post  j3801 Sat 29 Jun 2013, 9:33 am

Hi Everyone:

Just a quick update, it seems that Forumotion (the hosts of this forum) have cured most of the bugs with the PM editor.
On my computer it is now loading properly and quickly.

Could everyone check to make sure that they can access their PM's.


Unable to send PM (TSSH) Sig10

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Unable to send PM (TSSH) Empty Re: Unable to send PM (TSSH)

Post  rufuskins Sat 29 Jun 2013, 6:38 pm

I can access my PMs here at home via Google Chrome. Until recently I couldn't do it at work via IE.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Unable to send PM (TSSH) Empty Re: Unable to send PM (TSSH)

Post  mikehendle Sat 29 Jun 2013, 9:38 pm

Hi Justin,
I have just tried to send a pm to Alec,I haven't received a error message,and it is sitting in my outbox


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Unable to send PM (TSSH) Empty Re: Unable to send PM (TSSH)

Post  rufuskins Sat 29 Jun 2013, 10:06 pm

PM received and replied to just now.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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