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Is there a New Zealand forum site?

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Is there a New Zealand forum site? Empty Is there a New Zealand forum site?

Post  dispatcher Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:17 pm

I live in Canada and wish to get in touch with someone in New Zealand in regards to New Zealand routes but I am unable to find a NZ forum that I could direct my questions to.Does anyone here know of a member there that I could get in touch with. Years ago I wrote back and forth with a gentleman who's name was Peter Hill but have since lost his email address. If anyone has a link to a NZ forum, I would be very grateful.

Moe Smith (dispatcher)


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Is there a New Zealand forum site? Empty Re: Is there a New Zealand forum site?

Post  Markh5682 Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:11 pm

Hi Moe, welcome to the forum.

The only New Zealand MSTS site that I'm aware of is the TSNZ site, it does have some NZ routes (as well as other stuff) and a chat section, it is not a forum so you'll have to wait till someone else is in there to chat.


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Is there a New Zealand forum site? Empty Re: Is there a New Zealand forum site?

Post  gswindale Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:48 pm

Hi Moe,

There is a reasonably well known (over here) simmer - Bob Latimer - who lives in New Zealand. I think he visits here occasionally and may well be able to help you out with some information.

Whenever I've had any correspondence with him; he's always been very helpful; so I'm sure he'd be able to point you in the right direction if he cannot help directly.

Truth is rarely pure, and never simple.

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Is there a New Zealand forum site? Empty Re: Is there a New Zealand forum site?

Post  Bob Latimer Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:17 pm

Thanks for the kind words Geoffrey.

(It's good to hear that someone finds me helpful, given my recent treatment at "the other forum".)

Moe, if you would like to send me a PM or an email to latimers at letting me know what it is you're looking for, I'll see what I can do.


Bob Latimer

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Is there a New Zealand forum site? Empty Re: Is there a New Zealand forum site?

Post  j3801 Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:49 am

Hi Guys,

I have just been informed that there is someone else who is big in the TSNZ area, Peter Hill. He is on the UKTS forums as KiwiPete. (Thanks to Pete P for the info). You can drop him a PM on UKTS.


Is there a New Zealand forum site? Sig10

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Is there a New Zealand forum site? Empty Re: Is there a New Zealand forum site?

Post  dispatcher Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:10 pm

Hi Guys;

I want to thank everyone for their contact suggestions, I can now find out everything I always wanted to know about NZ routes. If I can help in any way concerning Canadian railroading, let me know. I cannot guarantee an answer but maybe I can find out

Moe Smith.


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