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Getting rid of the Ads.

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Getting rid of the Ads. Empty Getting rid of the Ads.

Post  j3801 Thu 21 Mar 2013, 12:24 pm

Hi guys,

Just thought I'd let you know about a little add on for those of you who use Internet Explorer to view this forum (and other sites) who are sick and tired of all the ads that you see.

I have just installed this:
The good news is that it is free (it will block up to 200 ads per day once the trial period ends) and very effective.
I just checked the site that hosts the Ashburton Cabride video, normally it has at least 8 big ads, now 0 Very Happy .


Getting rid of the Ads. Sig10

Posts : 723
Join date : 2013-01-17
Age : 39
Location : Kirrawee, Sydney, Australia

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