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Consist Double up

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Consist Double up Empty Consist Double up

Post  pcohen Thu 28 Nov 2024, 7:01 pm

Apoligies posted in wrong Forum

Hi everybody, more agro.  Have only found this problem this afternoon.

My  Consist Files have Doubled, all 6656 of them.

Each consist should only read the Loco file and the CON File.

All my files are reading the Loco File, the CON File
and the Loco File and the OFF File  thus  doubling everything up.

hope this makes sense.

many thanks



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Consist Double up Empty Re: Consist Double up

Post  slipperman12 Thu 28 Nov 2024, 8:29 pm

Hi Paul,
You appear to be running a route controlled by Mike Simpson's Mini-Loader. That utility initially sets all the Consist, Activity, Path, Service and Traffic files extensions to .off to prevent MSTS from reading them. As you select an activity to run, only the required files are reverted to their correct extension.  As I don't know exactly how you've got to that state, I suggest that you delete the complete installation and re-install all the routes that were in it.

As Open Rails only reads the files required by an activity, you should NEVER use the Mini-Loader when using that sim because it will only run MSTS.  If you, inadvertently, use the mini-loader before running an activity, you MUST rerun the mini-loader and select Unstore All, then press Quit, then you use Open Rails to select the activity to be run.


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Consist Double up Empty Re: Consist Double up

Post  pcohen Thu 28 Nov 2024, 10:52 pm

Hi Ged, thanks again for reply. will continue with this in the Morning.




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Join date : 2023-08-09
Age : 78
Location : Wrexham North Wales

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