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APKExtractor Empty APKExtractor

Post  slipperman12 Sat 02 Oct 2021, 7:23 pm

Hi All,
I have been advised of a problem which may be faced by a few Open Rails users.  

It only affects those Open Rails installations which haven't been added into its Profiles list.  The effect is that those installations aren't recognised and, so, are 'missed' by the program.
The solution is to either add them into the OR Profiles list or to add dummy versions of 'train.exe' and 'ebueula1.dll' into each installation.  Doing this will allow APKExtractor to treat them as actual installations. If/when those installations are added into the OR Profiles list, the 'dummy' files may be left in situ as they won't have any detrimental effect on Open Rails.

A revised readme has been uploaded to the library and should replace the original.  The original program is absolutely unchanged!  The upload also contains copies of the two 'dummy' files.


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