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Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair

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Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair Empty Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair

Post  slipperman12 Sun 13 Dec 2020, 11:09 am

Hi All,
It has been brought to my attention that Louis Sinclair's website is no longer 'live'. I have tried contacting him via email but as his address was linked to his website, it's also no longer available.

There is a Facebook account in the name of Rundio Sinclair which looks as if it may be 'our' Louis, but I won't be joining Facebook just to find out! Maybe someone who's already a Facebook member could help me obtain his email address, if it is Louis (send me a PM please).

If I am able to contact him, I'll be seeking permission to upload TSM..

TSM was 'taken over' by a third party, but, although it still appears to be available from there, you may not wish to use that website!


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Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair Empty Re: Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair

Post  arjanm Wed 03 Mar 2021, 1:05 pm


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Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair Empty Re: Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair

Post  slipperman12 Wed 03 Mar 2021, 2:21 pm

Hi arjanm,
Many thanks for that information Smile


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Age : 82
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Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair Empty Re: Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair

Post  terrycunliffe Wed 03 Mar 2021, 5:47 pm

I've just upgraded to a new Win 10 machine and have loaded TSM without any trouble from a file backup I carried over.
As I think that this could now be classed as 'abandonware' (someone please correct me if I'm wrong!), if anyone requires a copy, just drop me a note and I'll gladly send one over.


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Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair Empty Re: Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair

Post  slipperman12 Wed 03 Mar 2021, 5:56 pm

Hi Terry,
I don't think it can be classed as "abandonware" because Louis passed it over to a third party for further development, although I don't think any enhancements have been released.

Please see my previous post on the subject.  I believe Louis has a presence on Facebook but, as I'm not a member, have not been able to contact him.


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


Posts : 2645
Join date : 2013-01-29
Age : 82
Location : North Nottinghamshire

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Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair Empty Re: Train Sim Modeler no longer available from Louis Sinclair

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