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S - Cabviews

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S - Cabviews Empty S - Cabviews

Post  StephenRWells Sat 28 Sep 2019, 6:53 pm

Hi All,

Following on from my upgrades to Kenji Kimuru's Cabviews I have now produced two more which will, hopefully, fill a couple of gaps. These are based on the Class 455 Cabview with extra gauges and warning lights. As such they can only be seen as Pure Fiction.

They are the Class 319 and Class 442 and, so far, only available on the TSSH Uploads.

As with my others Kenji retains the copyright for the original Class 455 and is credited as such.

I hope you enjoy them,



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Age : 73
Location : Arncott,Oxfordshire

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S - Cabviews Empty Re: S - Cabviews

Post  StephenRWells Sun 29 Sep 2019, 11:40 am

Hi All,

In my haste yesterday I forgot to say that these are for Open Rails only - they will fail to load in MSTS.

I have also created a new section in my TSSH uploads for these and possibly others in the future scroll down to the bottom of the page to find them.




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Age : 73
Location : Arncott,Oxfordshire

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S - Cabviews Empty Re: S - Cabviews

Post  StephenRWells Tue 26 Nov 2019, 10:18 am

Hi All,

Has anyone tried my fictional Class 319 and 442 cabviews from my uploads at TSSH and, if so, what do you think of them?

If they are good enough should I also upload them to UKTS?




Posts : 611
Join date : 2013-07-15
Age : 73
Location : Arncott,Oxfordshire

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S - Cabviews Empty Re: S - Cabviews

Post  StephenRWells Mon 13 Jul 2020, 11:49 am

Hi All,

I can add digital speedometers, speed limit and clocks to a suitable cabview. I can also get the speedometer to change colour above a specified speed and get a warning light to come on when the speed limit is exceeded. What I can't do is get the speedometer to change colour when the speed limit is exceeded. I know it can be done as it has been seen in the Track Monitor for many years. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Posts : 611
Join date : 2013-07-15
Age : 73
Location : Arncott,Oxfordshire

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S - Cabviews Empty Small Cab views

Post  neanderthal Sat 27 Nov 2021, 8:26 pm

Hello one and all. I'm not sure what I've done but all my cab views have cut down in size, though Camera views (2,3,4 etc ) have stayed at full screen. I have not turned on "Windowed" so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Tia. Embarassed


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S - Cabviews Empty Re: S - Cabviews

Post  slipperman12 Sat 27 Nov 2021, 8:47 pm

Hi Roger,
From your use of the word "windowed", I'll assume you're using Open Rails.

You don't say what you mean by "cut down in size", so I'll make another assumption.

Unless you've set the "% cab 2D stretch" under Options > Video, all MSTS cabs will show in their natural 4:3 format, even when you've specified "Full Screen".

If you're referring to 3D cabviews, sorry, I can't help.


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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S - Cabviews Empty Re: S - Cabviews

Post  neanderthal Sun 28 Nov 2021, 8:56 am

Thanks for your speedy reply, but I was surprised to find the answer myself (I knew I had seen it before somewhere).

Ctrl + 1 sorted it... I have now saved to OR Manual into my PC.

I do not remember setting it to the smaller setting so must have been trying to do something completely different.. once again many thanks Ged.. Roger. Embarassed


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S - Cabviews Empty Re: S - Cabviews

Post  StephenRWells Wed 06 Jul 2022, 6:38 pm

Hi All,

I have just uploaded 1st Gen DMU V4 to the TSSHonline uploads which is a simpler and updated version of my previous ones, full installation instructions are included. Version 3.1 has been removed from this site but does remain at UKTS.

Any problems please let me know,



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Age : 73
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