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Ged's Utility Room

Jonathan David
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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty MSTS_ActMan

Post  slipperman12 Mon 10 Aug 2020, 7:20 pm

Hi All,
MSTS_ActMan v3.2 is now available from the TSSH library and will be from the libraries at UKTS, and as soon as it's approved.

Jonathan David still hasn't picked up my PM of 30 July - I hope he's OK - has anybody heard from him since that date?


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty MSTS_ActMan

Post  slipperman12 Fri 14 Aug 2020, 7:56 pm

Hi All,
Embarassed Embarassed   Apologies, but I fixed one bug, only to introduce another!  

The effect is to cause the program to 'freeze' while processing routes data.  It is caused by EngineData or WagonData lines in activity and consist files having the file and folder names not separated by at least one space (if both are in quotes, the space separation isn't necessary).

I'm currently attempting to get it checked out by a third party and a corrected version will be uploaded as soon as I am able.

Meanwhile, I have removed the link to the file from the library.


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty MSTS_ActMan

Post  slipperman12 Mon 17 Aug 2020, 11:00 pm

Hi All,
v3.3 of this utility has now been uploaded to the library. It will also be available from the UKTS, and libraries when approved.


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty MSTS_ActMan

Post  slipperman12 Mon 14 Sep 2020, 2:56 pm

Hi All,
V3.4 is now available from the library. As soon as it's been approved, it'll also be available from the libraries at UKTS, and

Even though it has 'MSTS' in its title, this utility should also be generally usable for Open Rails activities.  However, it has been brought to my attention that some of the checks it performs don't apply to OR; once I have evaluated them, they will be addressed in the next version.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Fri 06 Nov 2020, 4:06 pm

Hi All,
This thread has been a little quiet lately - it's almost two months since I last posted - doesn't time fly?!!

This is an update of what's happening in the Utility Room!

Another user has suggested an additional function for MSTS_ActMan.  This is a facility to create a .zip file which contains all the files which make up an activity (except for stock).  I an currently awaiting feedback from that user.

As a result of an 'off the cuff' remark, I have written a utility which carries out checks of .sms files (sms_Checker).  These comprise a check that the number of 'Stream' entries matches the number entered in the corresponding 'Streams' entry, that each .wav file is present and a rudimentary check that the open and close brackets match.  

Finally, I'm looking at Shape File Manager with a view to replacing its use of FFEDITc_unicode.exe by comp.exe/decomp.exe, which are more freely available.  I have already received permission to modify SFM so it's up to my abilities to bring it to fruition!!  Initial tests are promising, but it's not yet in a state for passing to anybody else!

I will be looking for additional testers, but will post as each utility becomes ready.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  RIGFindlay Mon 09 Nov 2020, 12:45 pm

Excellent. This all sounds very promising. The sms checker will be very useful. Thank you for all your work



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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Mon 09 Nov 2020, 2:29 pm

HI Roderic,
Thank you Smile

As far as Shape File Manager is concerned, I've decided not to modify it, but, instead, have created a (more or less) drop-in replacement for FFEDITc_unicode.exe.  As well as fulfilling that function, the program also operates as a Desktop app to allow compressing/uncompressing files, either individually or on a folder basis.  In its present state, it's not suitable for public viewing, but it shouldn't be too long!

Regarding sms_Checker, I have a feeling that the gentleman currently 'testing' it isn't taking things too seriously and is just using it when he needs to check something! I do get the occasional feedback but it doesn't really help me bug fix or make any improvements.  Because of this, I have attached it to this post and invite you, and anybody else, to have a look, and try to break it!  I appreciate that, for any in-depth testing, some 'fiddling' within .sms files is required - a task which many are not too happy doing!


EDIT : The attachment has been removed as sms_Checker has now been uploaded to the library (23 Nov 2020)

Last edited by slipperman12 on Mon 23 Nov 2020, 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty MSTS_ActMan

Post  slipperman12 Fri 13 Nov 2020, 4:31 pm

Hi All,
The user who suggested the addition of a zip file facility to this utility no longer seems to be in a position to offer any feedback!

I am, therefore, posting the current test version (v0.35h) here for anybody to try it out.  There have been a few modifications, which are listed in the readme under Changes in v3.5 (WIP)
The existing .exe file may be replaced by the new version, but, just in case there are any problems, I suggest the existing file is backed up first.

I'll be pleased to receive any comments and/or suggestions Smile


EDIT (16-11-20) : File removed due to bug reported by Jonathan.

Last edited by slipperman12 on Mon 16 Nov 2020, 3:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  Jonathan David Sun 15 Nov 2020, 5:33 pm

I have been a bit busy but have now had a chance to try the new version. I am getting an error when I check all Consists in the installation. This has not happened previously. See the attached file where the "File name should be" line is always "Invalid-4". I checked the first two of the reported errors and the Consist and Stock folder had the same case entries, so no errors. When I tried to use Stock Fix nothing happened.
This is being tried on my rebuilt "large test installation" which is not what I use to run Open Rails but has duplicate stock with changed folder names and duplicate Consists with changed file names: 3596 Consists and 9231 Stock folders.
I also had an odd error message the first time and creation of an empty Zip file, but that stopped when I removed the only Consist reported as having missing stock.
I have just run the earlier version of Act Man and it worked fine with the same process.
Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Attachment
report3.txt You don't have permission to download attachments.(24 Kb) Downloaded 1 times

Jonathan David

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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sun 15 Nov 2020, 7:03 pm

Hi Jonathan,
Many thanks for your report.  I apologise for the peculiar error message - It implies that a non-space character has been detected between the command and its following open bracket.  It seems to be displaying a spurious message.

Are these consists supplied with any product?  If so, please let me know from where I can obtain them.  Conversely, if you've created them yourself, can you please send me a couple.

You shouldn't be able to create a .zip file if any errors are outstanding, so that's something else which I need to look at!  Any more information you can give will be useful Smile


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  Jonathan David Mon 16 Nov 2020, 9:32 am

I have collected the eng files and consists which received the message I reported. They are all for relatively few Trainset items, many probably originally from the same source. I therefore assume that the error is in the eng file rather than the Consist, though I can't see anything. If you want the whole Trainset folders let me know.
One or two of the other errors, on examination, were errors of mine so I have not included them.
As it happens none of these Stock items was created by me though I may well have altered the Cabview or Sound aspects of them.
Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Attachment
Stock eng files and You don't have permission to download attachments.(65 Kb) Downloaded 2 times

Jonathan David

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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Mon 16 Nov 2020, 1:26 pm

Hi Jonathan,
Thank you very much!! I have now been able to reproduce the errors you were getting.
There is nothing wrong with your data. The problem is due to what seems to be a rather large bug in one of my updated routines, which is being a little elusive at the moment!!

I noticed that MSTS_ActMan v0.35h has been downloaded about a dozen times. Although it won't corrupt any MSTS/ORTS data, may I suggest that version be deleted, or, at least, you report any unexpected or apparently spurious error reports to me, please.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sat 21 Nov 2020, 7:15 pm

Hi All,
The following utilities are now available from the TSSH library, and will be from those at UKTS, and as soon as they are approved :

MSTS_ActMan v3.5
MSTS_Check v2.1
sms_Checker v1.0

Many thanks to those members, here and elsewhere,  who have helped with testing and offered suggestions - it has been invaluable!

As always, please report any problems or further suggestions in this thread.  I have already had a suggestion for extending sms_Checker, but we'll have to see how it progresses Wink


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Mon 23 Nov 2020, 2:26 pm

Hi All,
Early last year, I 'found' an MSTS Lights tutorial on the Internet. It was in Spanish, but I thought it might be a useful document to have.  With the help of Google I translated it, then extended it to include the MSTS Bin Patch / Open Rails options.  Later, I sent it to another member, who was asking about setting up some loco lights.  He suggested I should make it available to the whole Community.  It's taken a while, but I have now uploaded it to the library here and those at UKTS, and

For information, the original author gave permission for its translation and extension within the document.  The original Spanish document is still available from


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty sms_Checker

Post  slipperman12 Tue 24 Nov 2020, 10:22 pm

Hi All,
Well, I'm astounded!!  Over UKTS, and there have been 300 downloads of this utility.  I can't find a download count for this site, but it doesn't matter!  I have received feedback from only two members of the Community. but that's OK because I think people only complain when something doesn't work - I'm like that, as well!  Those two members requested improvements/enhancements to the program, which I'm pleased to be able to incorporate.

I will upload the new version at the weekend, so if you've found a bug, or have any suggestions, please contact me as soon as you can.

The 3 changes to be included in the new version are :
( a )  Correctly process the Open Rails DemoAutoSound .sms files which contain 'non-standard' addressing modes.
( b )  Make the display manually extendable so that long data lines can be shown in full.
( c )  Allow one user's unique data arrangement to be correctly processed - I don't normally do bespoke requests but it presented a challenge I couldn't refuse!!


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty sms checker

Post  mikeanddi Tue 24 Nov 2020, 11:03 pm

Hi Ged

Sorry to hear you have had no feedback.

I have started to use your excellent utility this evening, and have whittled down the error report to 758 errors, 22859 files not found, and 207 files with missing brackets.Shocked

I have sorted 4 of the initial errors reported, so have made a start. Very Happy

I am hoping that some of these errors may be the reason for my frequent Open Rails saves failing to reload problem.

The program has run with no problems that I know of, although the extendable display will be useful for some of the errors reported, and it is impressively fast at producing results.

Many thanks for this, and your other utilities.



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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Wed 25 Nov 2020, 9:01 am

Hi Mike,
No feedback isn't really a problem, so there's no need to be sorry!!

On the other hand, last night I had a rather nice thank you from one of our Indian friends on the Forum!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty sms_checker

Post  mikeanddi Wed 25 Nov 2020, 8:59 pm

Hi Ged

What a lovely and well deserved post over at

I am continuing to use the utility to sort things out, but seem to have come to a problem where .sms files refer to .wav files situated in a different folder. The example below is one of many similar extracted from an error report, where Scotsman sounds are referred to within the Common.Sound folders -

BR 3MT Cambrian Multipack\Common.Sound\2cyl_generic\#AI-2cyl-56-80-01.sms
*** Line Number : 50 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random5.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 51 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random7.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 52 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random9.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 53 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random11.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 54 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random12.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 55 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random13.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 265 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random5.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 266 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random7.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 267 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random9.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 268 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random11.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 269 ../../scotsman/sound/x_fs_random12.wav file not found. ***

In all cases above, the .wav files are present in Scotsman's Sound folder.

If this is an error, is it fixable?



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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Wed 25 Nov 2020, 9:47 pm

Hi Mike,
I may be wrong, but something doesn't look quite right with the path on your post - Common.Sound shouldn't be there.

BR 3MT Cambrian Multipack\Common.Sound\2cyl_generic\#AI-2cyl-56-80-01.sms

That Common.Sound folder only contains a couple of ..sms files in 2cyl_generic folder and a .wav file in uk_shared folder. Nothing else is in there!
Running MSTS, you wouldn't get the correct sounds for the loco - you WOULD get sounds if you'd already installed the 2 cylinder sounds.

You must move (not copy) that Common.Sound folder into your TRAINSET folder, allowing all overwrites (I assume you've already installed the 2 cylinder sounds, as per the readme).

If you do that, I don't think you'll have any errors reported - well, certainly not for that pack!  I've just tested it Smile

If there are others, please let me know.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  mikeanddi Wed 25 Nov 2020, 10:47 pm

Hi Ged

Looks like I chose a bad example there, and I may be at fault, but in my defence there was no reference in the read me files regarding the movement of the Common.sound folder included.

I need to check some of the other reported errors to see if it is me at fault in other cases.

I have probably installed lots of stock over the years without paying full attention to the read me files, so I could well have all the right files, but not necessarily in the right places!

I will let you know if I still think there are problems.



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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Wed 25 Nov 2020, 11:16 pm

Hi Mike,
Thanks. and you're quite right about the readme for the 3MT - there are no specific instructions to move the supplied files to their correct location, but the only subfolders of a stock folder read by MSTS are Cabview and Sound; additionally, Open Rails reads the OpenRails subfolder.

If you are doing extensive testing of sms_Checker, you will probably see a large number of .wav file not found.  This is because the author/s erroneously aliased files which are in the global SOUND folder, to a loco's SOUND folder.  My utility can't find them, and neither can MSTS!   I am working on a possible solution to this World-wide problem (!!) but it won't be ready for quite a while, if ever!

so I could well have all the right files, but not necessarily in the right places!  AHH! Another fan of Morecambe & Wise!!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  Jonathan David Thu 26 Nov 2020, 9:23 am

Wrong paths in sound files? Never!!
Yes, frequently for the batch of six "couple" and "uncouple" files and their "x-" versions and the three "a_d_comp?.wav" files at the end of most eng sound files.
So common that I now check every new loco's sound files when I install it.
Just occasionally they are correctly routed to the Global folder - just occasionally.
What I don't understand is why those creating new stock don't notice and just keep on copying the same set of lines each time.
I have been busy over the past couple of days but shall be trying out your three new utilities/versions over the next week or so. No report will mean no problems.

Jonathan David

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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Thu 26 Nov 2020, 11:26 am

Hi Jonathan
Another bugbear is non-aliased fs*, gp* and d9* .wav files!!

If I can get the global Sound .wav files fix working correctly, it could be the next thing to look at (but no promises!).


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  rufuskins Thu 26 Nov 2020, 4:16 pm

I thought that I would have a go at using "SMS Checker". It took me a little while to get some results, as there didn't appear to be a guide to using it in the download either from UKTS or here on TSSH. I assume that it is necessary to work through each item of stock or common folder, unless I am doing something wrong?
Anyway I have tried it on my Common Sound folder and as I expected a fair few errors were itemised. Those for missing files and/or missing brackets I can resolve.
One area I'm not sure how to approach is the reference to the reported mismatch between Stream numbers, in other words is there a missing stream or should the initial Stream number - Streams (x) - be amended? The obvious answer would appear to be the latter, but I would appreciate confirmation of this.
I don't suppose it would be possible to get this excellent utility - for which I'm most grateful - to work through the whole Trainset rather than one item at a time?

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  mikeanddi Thu 26 Nov 2020, 5:59 pm

Hi Alec

I cannot comment on the streams mismatch, but I am pointing Sms Checker at my whole trainset and getting results quite quickly.

I do have MSTS and Sms Checker on an ssd drive, so this may be helping.



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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Thu 26 Nov 2020, 6:00 pm

Hi Alec,
Sorry you're having trouble using it - I didn't think it needed any more than is in the readme!

You can use the utility at any level you like - loco's own sound folder, common sound folder, whatever it's called, TRAINSET or even installation.  Whichever level you choose, every .sms file from that level 'downwards' will be checked.  Obviously, the deeper the level, the more files there will be and the longer the run will take. Probably, I should explain the 'levels' - Whichever folder is selected, all of the .sms files in it and its subfolders will be checked. If the global SOUND folder is selected then only the .sms files in that folder will be checked because it doesn't have any subfolders. Likewise for a route's own SOUND folder, unless it has the Open Rails DemoAutoSound folder when its .sms files will also be checked.

As for whether the Streams value should be adjusted or not, that is for the user to decide Smile ... but you're probably right!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  rufuskins Thu 26 Nov 2020, 10:14 pm

OK I must reply with a somewhat reddened expression, as I couldn't see the wood for the trees with respect to the readme. Please accept my apology. I've also managed to get the utility to check the whole Trainset. I think I'll put it down to Lockdown Fever!!!!!!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Thu 26 Nov 2020, 10:21 pm

Hi Alec,
No worries, mate Smile

We all have times like that!!

Please come back if you think something is being reported incorrectly, or, conversely, not being reported when it should be.


Intel i5 4690K (3.5GHz), Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 m/b, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750ti (2GB), ASUS Xonar DS Sound Card, Win 10 Pro 64 bit.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  rufuskins Sat 28 Nov 2020, 11:48 am

Hi Ged
I just can't believe the number of errors that your utility reports! I have reduced the error count to the following:-

Number of Streams errors found = 222
I can only assume that MSTS is tolerant of them?

Number of files not found = 1861
With respect to the "missing" files, they are in fact there but appear not to be always correctly called up!

Number of files with mismatched brackets = 221
Again I can only assume that MSTS is tolerant of them?

Anyway it'll keep me off the streets correcting everything! Hang on I've just remembered I'm not supposed to be on the streets!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sat 28 Nov 2020, 1:02 pm

Hi Alec,
Yes, MSTS doesn't complain if the 'Streams' number is greater than the actual number of 'Stream' entries, but Open Rails does report them.

With the missing .wav files, MSTS just ignores them if it can't find them. The result here is that the user doesn't hear all the sounds that they should!

Again, with missing brackets. MSTS is tolerant of them, but depending of where they are missing from, the user could be missing hearing some sounds.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  dforrest Sat 28 Nov 2020, 7:49 pm

Jonathan David wrote:Wrong paths in sound files? Never!!
Yes, frequently for the batch of six "couple" and "uncouple" files and their "x-" versions and the three "a_d_comp?.wav" files at the end of most eng sound files.
So common that I now check every new loco's sound files when I install it.
Just occasionally they are correctly routed to the Global folder - just occasionally.
What I don't understand is why those creating new stock don't notice and just keep on copying the same set of lines each time.
I have been busy over the past couple of days but shall be trying out your three new utilities/versions over the next week or so. No report will mean no problems.

Ged, this is the "old", much repeated, MSTS error I believe. I have many such error noted as:

Train Simulator\Trains\Trainset\90775\SOUND\fswagt.sms
*** Line Number : 44 ../../SCOTSMAN/sound/x_couple_chain1.wav file not found. ***
*** Line Number : 45 ../../SCOTSMAN/sound/x_couple_chain2.wav file not found. ***

You note in the documentation "This program does not modify any existing MSTS files". Are you perhaps considering this for a later version ..........?


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sat 28 Nov 2020, 9:23 pm

Hi David,
Yes, definitely Smile

I am currently working on it, but trying to fathom out the logic for the program to follow is giving me a headache, although not literally!!
In human terms, it's a simple, if laborious, task, but the problem arises when there are 2 or even 3 entries on a line, any of which may need modifying .... or not!

It will ONLY apply to .wav files which are present in the global SOUND folder; any other missing files will be left strictly alone.

Anyway, it's keeping me out of mischief - and the time is flying Smile


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  dforrest Sat 28 Nov 2020, 10:01 pm

Ged, I believe that it is a little more complicated than that. I believe that if the file in question is in in route's SOUND folder, that is used, but if is not in there the global SOUND folder is used.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sat 28 Nov 2020, 10:24 pm

Hi David,
Thank you - I will follow that up, but I think the route's .sms and .wav files are self-contained in its SOUND folder.
As far as I can remember, I've never found a .sms file outside of that folder which 'calls' a .wav file within it - but now, of course, you'll point out many to me!!


EDIT : I've just done a check of 30 routes, UK, European and North American, and the only ones which seem to use global SOUND .wav files from .sms files in the route's SOUND folder were from SLI/TSN!! So, OK, you were right Embarassed
I've now got to find a way to prove it! MSTS is no good because it just ignores .wav files at can't find, but I'm sure Open Rails will come to the rescue!!

Last edited by slipperman12 on Sat 28 Nov 2020, 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  dforrest Sat 28 Nov 2020, 10:56 pm

slipperman12 wrote:Hi David,
Thank you - I will follow that up, but I think the route's .sms and .wav files are self-contained in its SOUND folder.
As far as I can remember, I've never found a .sms file outside of that folder which 'calls' a .wav file within it - but now, of course, you'll point out many to me!!


Ged, I am not sure I have made my point clearly. To put it a different way, when an .sms file calls file "xyz.wav", MSTS/OR will first look for the file in it's own folder. If it is not found there, it will look in the route's SOUND folder. If it is not found there it will look in the "global" SOUND folder. But you probably already know this already.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sat 28 Nov 2020, 11:08 pm

Hi David,
Thanks, again Smile

To be honest, I wasn't certain about the use of the route's SOUND folder, but that can be very easily checked!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sun 29 Nov 2020, 11:04 am

Hi David,
Sorry to disappoint you, but, regarding stock .sms files, MSTS does NOT 'look' in the route's SOUND folder for missing .wav files, only the global SOUND folder.

However, if a .sms file in a route's SOUND folder is unable to find a .wav file in its own folder, it DOES 'look' in the global SOUND folder.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  dforrest Sun 29 Nov 2020, 1:06 pm

slipperman12 wrote:Hi David,
Sorry to disappoint you, but, regarding stock .sms files, MSTS does NOT 'look' in the route's SOUND folder for missing .wav files, only the global SOUND folder.

However, if a .sms file in a route's SOUND folder is unable to find a .wav file in its own folder, it DOES 'look' in the global SOUND folder.


Ged, there appears not to be total agreement on this. Look at the following thread where both options are noted!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sun 29 Nov 2020, 2:32 pm

Hi David,
People often say things that they believe are correct!! The only 'hard' evidence in that thread is from Charles Stagg and he is basing it on his experiences when developing ConBuilder.  
I have a similar attitude in that I do not usually base any answers I give on what I've heard from other people - a programmer can't afford to do that!  If I'm not certain of something, I'll say so!!

My responses to your queries are based on actual tests I've carried out over the last day or two.  If you'd like details of those tests, just ask Smile


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  dforrest Sun 29 Nov 2020, 2:55 pm

slipperman12 wrote:Hi David,
People often say things that they believe are correct!! The only 'hard' evidence in that thread is from Charles Stagg and he is basing it on his experiences when developing ConBuilder.  
I have a similar attitude in that I do not usually base any answers I give on what I've heard from other people - a programmer can't afford to do that!  If I'm not certain of something, I'll say so!!

My responses to your queries are based on actual tests I've carried out over the last day or two.  If you'd like details of those tests, just ask Smile


Ged, no need for details. I accept what you are saying.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  rufuskins Sun 29 Nov 2020, 4:38 pm

Based on my efforts to correct the missing file errors shown up by Ged's utility, I believe that when a WAV file is specified in an SMS file it first looks for the specified location and then calls up the file as missing if it can't find it. The coupling WAV files are cases in point, in so far as we know that they are located in the global SOUND folder of MSTS, but if within a specific SMS file they are called up as if within the specific stock item or a common sound folder; e.g. Common.Sound but are not actually there then they are called up as missing. I know the explanation may be a bit clumsy but hopefully it makes sense.

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Mon 30 Nov 2020, 1:40 pm

Hi All,
v1.1 of sms_Checker is now available from the library, and, in the next day or two, should also be downloadable from UKTS, and

In addition to the modifications mentioned in my post of 24 Nov., the following, very minor, changes have been made :

(i) Small increase in default width of display

(ii) "Not found files" line shows a suffix "G" if non-aliased version of file is in global SOUND folder.

(iii) 'Start' button disabled after pressing, until end of run. This is to prevent the user from pressing the button at an inappropriate time and probably causing a System Error!!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty sms_Checker

Post  slipperman12 Fri 04 Dec 2020, 3:51 pm

Hi All,
A new version is being checked out by my two "official" testers, but if anyone else would like to look at it, and offer their suggestions, opinions or bug reports, it's attached below.

It will install separately to v1.1 but does use the same Registry entry for storing the last accessed folder..

The main changes are :
 (i) An 'Overwrite' mode can be selected which will correct certain .wav file entries
(ii) When it's not already aliased, and the name of a missing .wav file can be identified to a default loco, it will be so-aliased (in 'Overwrite' mode) if the file is present in that folder.
(iii) The global SOUND files which are erroneously aliased elsewhere will have their aliasing removed (in 'Overwrite' mode) if the file is in that folder.

The main report is the same whether 'Overwrite' is selected, or not.  Additionally, in 'Overwrite' mode, the number of entries changed in each file is shown, together with a list of modified .sms files.


EDIT (04-10-2021) : Attachment removed as it's out of date. v3.0 uploadad

Last edited by slipperman12 on Mon 04 Oct 2021, 11:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty SMS-Checker

Post  mikeanddi Sat 05 Dec 2020, 8:59 pm

Hi Ged

I have continued using SMS-checker, and am pleased to report that I have now reduced the number of files not found from 22,859 to 1,518 Very Happy

There is an astonishing variety of errors, and it has been very interesting working out in each case what is wrong, and how it should be corrected.

Unfortunately, the law of diminishing returns is starting to kick in, but I will persevere a little longer.

I have not attempted to correct any stream number errors as I still have over 700 of these, and I am not sure that they will actually cause any serious problems in running activities. Similarly, I still have over 100 mismatched brackets which I will probably leave as they are.

I am now using the test version, and the "overwrite" mode modified 18 files for me. I have not encountered any bugs in this.

Thanks for the checker - it has provided a very interesting diversion from running activities .



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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  dforrest Sat 05 Dec 2020, 9:06 pm

I also am running it on my Chiltern mini-route install. I am initially trying to rectify as may errors as I can before running it in "overwrite" mode. I will be looking at mismatched brackets as I believe that there may case significant problems. I am finding no problems with sms_Checker itself.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Sat 05 Dec 2020, 9:34 pm

Hi Mike & David,
Many thanks, chaps Smile

I've recently been helping another member of our Community with problems he had with some .sms files.  It involved the 'Triggers' entry and the following number of 'Trigger' entries.  I thought it might be a useful addition to sms_Checker.  It wasn't a very good idea!  MSTS doesn't care if the 'Triggers' value is greater than the number of following 'Trigger' lines, only reporting an error if it's lower!!  That's very fortunate, because the default locos' .sms files are full of multiple lines having 'Triggers' values greater than the number of following 'Trigger' lines, even to the extent of some of them being  Triggers ( 10 followed by 2 'Trigger' lines!!!

I've got to check if Open Rails reports all discrepancies, or only those where the 'Triggers' number is less than the number of following 'Trigger' lines.

It's working OK and may still be included in v2.0, but probably with a little modification!!


EDIT :  Open Rails doesn't seem to use the 'Triggers' entry, whatever it contains!   Therefore, sms_Checker will only report  where it is lower than the number of 'Trigger' lines, if it'd be considered useful for MSTS users - please advise.

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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  rufuskins Mon 07 Dec 2020, 4:57 pm

Using SMS Checker has proved a very useful diversion - my brother is seriously ill in an ICU, although NOT with Covid - and I have now only 18 files with mismatched brackets. They are all in "HW_Common.Sound", and the errors are all the same and hence it's just a case of working through them. This of course only refers to my main MSTS installation. I have some 50+ Mini Routes and hence the same errors initially reported by SMS Checker will be repeated in these, especially as "Common.Sound" gets copied verbatim when creating Mini Routes. This is similar to the the reported errors in the "MSTS_Check" utility!
However the utilities are excellent and well worth using, and my thanks go to Ged!

Update at 17:40 - SMS Checker now reports zero errors in missing files, erroneous stream references or mismatched brackets!

ALEC - Supporter of MSTS and TSSH!


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Mon 07 Dec 2020, 6:24 pm

Hi Alec,
Thank you, mate Smile
As part of my testing, I used the Chiltern route, which uses the HW_Common.sound folder. Four of the .sms files are looking for x_#whistle_380_long.wav, which is in the HW_common.sound folder, but in each case, they are aliased to common.sound. That folder, unfortunately, doesn't contain that file! The 5 #GWR-Manor .sms files, likewise, reference non-existent .wav files.

That soundset is included in the Highworth route and I can't understand why it hasn't been corrected, unless it was never used by any locos. Either that, or my understanding of how MSTS works is all awry, in which case, I'll pack my bags and go home!!

My best wishes to your brother - I hope he soon returns to good health.


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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  rufuskins Mon 07 Dec 2020, 6:54 pm

Thank you for the kind wishes.

The SMS files with errors in "HW_Common.Sound" were located in sub-folder named as "SteamSoundsOrgUk" and were all prefixed with a hashtag (#) indicating that they relate to AI engines! Presumably these were developed specifically for the Highworth route and it's associated stock.

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Ged's Utility Room - Page 5 Empty Re: Ged's Utility Room

Post  slipperman12 Mon 07 Dec 2020, 8:25 pm

Hi Alec,
I checked the HW_common.sound folder in my Highworth installation and the same errors are reported.

It's only a few AI .sms files and running MSTS_Check on Highworth shows that they aren't used by any of the supplied stock, which is probably why they haven't been spotted before!

However, examining this set in detail shows that line 886 of HWH-Manor-Int-100a-03.sms has an invalid file name entered so it may well be another check to add to sms_Checker!


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