Train Sim Safe House
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Welshpool Empty Welshpool

Post  neanderthal Tue 23 Feb 2016, 8:51 pm

Welshpool Scrgrb18  Welshpool Scrgrb19

Welshpool Scrgrb20  Welshpool Scrgrb21

Welshpool Scrgrb22  This little Route from the heart of Wales I have always wanted to put on my PC,and I suppose this must be at least (and at last) my fifth try.
The problem I have is with the Earl and the Countess,I chicken out when I read about having to change engine files etc,and the read me says not to attempt it unless you know what you're doing,which I dont.
So sorry for the Purists amongst us and Yes,that is "Puffing Billy" with its Coaches.But we do love our Visitors here in Wales. Very Happy


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Age : 73
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