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Waverley Route to Tweedbank

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Waverley Route to Tweedbank Empty Waverley Route to Tweedbank

Post  Scampispeedway Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:27 pm

Hi Everyone, on Sunday I took the car to have a look at the new line to Tweedbank and it was 74 miles
from Newcastle upon Tyne so took just over an hour and a half to get to the new terminus station.
As it was the first day of running there was quite a crowd but managed to park the car in the new Park
and Ride area, unfortunately I never took my Senior Railcard with me but found the price would have
been £7.40 for a return ticket on the hourly service that day.
On Monday I decided to go up this week and do the whole journey using the Train and this worked out
at £14.50 each way on the Thursday so I bought my tickets and this afternoon got back home around
4.00pm and must say it was well worth the effort to go on the new line.
The train from Edinburgh was quite crowded for a two carriage train and going down the line picked up
more people on the way, but coming straight back on the same train this wasn't so packed.
Several Stations can take quite a long trains and arriving at Tweedbank, I saw a steam Special waiting in
the other platform with scottish liveried carriages matching that period and at the rear was a diesel train
for the return journey as there was no run around or turntable facilities at Tweedbank.


Posts : 165
Join date : 2013-01-22
Age : 78
Location : Newcastle upon Tyne

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